Monday, August 8, 2022

His Countenance - Our Help

Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance.” (Ps 42:5 AV)

David does not assume an answer to his prayer contrary to what he is seeking.  He is not suggesting the presence of God’s countenance is that which replaces a contrary answer.  Rather, he is observing that while he is asking, seeking, and knocking, his soul should rest in the presence of God’s countenance rather than in the answer which he hopes for.  The question at the beginning has more to do with his emotional state than it does with his anticipation of a certain result.  He is agitated not because he lacks an answer.  He is cast down because the countenance of God is not his focus.  This verse, and others much like it, are David’s way of disciplining his heart and spirit.  He does not wish to appear as someone without hope.  This would harm the reputation of God.  He desires to show that God is equal to and greater than anything he would ever face.  He tells his mind and heart to hope in God.  This is juxtaposed to the soul that is cast down.  Hope thou in God is a command.  He is not a slave to his emotions and spiritual state.  He commands his heart to take comfort in the countenance of God.  He is the supply while we wait on our answer, and will always be our supply long after the answer is given.

Laying in a hospital bed is no fun.  Especially if you are in pain.  There seems little that anyone can do to take the pain away.  When I was admitted to same-day surgery for a torn rotator cuff and a bone spur in my shoulder, I was hurting big time.  After I removed what clothing was needed, on went the rob.  In went the IV.  Then we sat around until the doctor was ready for me.  My wife and I visited for a while.  Then the OR nurse came to get me.  There were a few more tasks she needed to complete before they took me in.  I was in that holding area for about thirty minutes.  My attending nurse barely left my side.  A lot of questions were asked.  My vitals were taken repeatedly.  What I noticed most about this lady was her demeanor and never ceasing smile.  She wasn’t acting unrealistically happy, mind you.  She was simply a very pleasant nurse.  Her eyes were kind.  She carried on a folksy conversation.  She tried to meet my every need.  As laid there in excruciating pain, I remember her demeanor and smile made the pain seem almost bearable.  It was her countenance that was a stronger influence than the pre-anesthesia she gave that made the pain almost unnoticeable.  Surgery came and went.  When I was coming to, there she was again.  The same attending curse.  Seldom leaving my side.  She had to run out a few times, but when I needed something, she was there.  It was her presence that made all the difference.

David can chasten his soul because he knew that as God answers, He also visits.  The strength that comes from His countenance is the reason David can steady the inner man.  The answer to his prayer may or may not be what he desires.   If it is not, and his soul hoped on that alone, then the soul cannot be quiet.  If, on the other hand, faith will accept whatever God does, then our hope is in God and not necessarily the answer that comes.

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