Saturday, December 11, 2021

The Strength to Survive

« A Song of degrees of David. » If it had not been the LORD who was on our side…Then the waters had overwhelmed us, the stream had gone over our soul:” (Ps 124:1,4 AV)


This psalm is one of the psalms of degrees.  What this means is this psalm was sung while ascending or descending the temple mount on the way to worship.  The context of this psalm is God’s providential protection over the nation of Israel amid much Gentile persecution.  The writer does acknowledge abuse at the hands of the ungodly but notes if it wasn’t for God, they would have been totally exterminated by the hatred of the God-haters.  This psalm testifies of God’s grace towards His people even when they are being chastened for their disobedience.  The fact this was sung as an act of worship suggests those entering the temple understood their existence and the purpose to worship was extended by a merciful God.  They are going into the temple to worship because they survived the correction of God by His mercy and grace. 

There have been several times in my life where the LORD protected me from death itself.  Armed robbery, hazardous weather, and poisoning to name a few.  In each of these, the LORD preserved me.  However, I see the word ‘overwhelmed’ above.  This gives the understanding of the circumstances being so harsh, that one gives up and wishes to escape by any means possible.  I have had a few of those times as well.  One, not too long ago.  I had lost everything close to me.  Three deaths and a son who moved to Brazil.  I left my church family for a new church and was also having trouble with a business transaction.  All this all at once.  To say I was overwhelmed is putting it mildly.  On top of that, my wife was being examined for possible cancer.  All this within six months.  I have to admit, I sat in my bedroom rocking back and forth feeling like I was not going to survive. I was waiting for an aneurysm to burst.  Or a stroke.  Or something.  But it was the ministry of a good friend that saw me through all this.  He drove an hour out of his way to sit with me and listen as I processed all these issues.  If it wasn’t for the LORD using him, I am sure I would have been admitted permanently to a mental hospital.  Through that all, God was stronger than my circumstances. 

Whether it is correction, a trial of faith, or persecution, the LORD is there to get us through it, and we can thank God for His mercy to endure.  We are not capable of handling all that life throws at us.  At least not in a healthy way.  Many who are without God seem to fair well through the storms of life.  Inside their own hearts and minds, it is another story entirely.  This morning, I woke up to the news Mayfield, KY was hit awfully hard by an overnight tornado.  The news is forecasting 50-100 fatalities.  I know people there and the news coming out is tragic.  I may not be there nor have to directly deal with it so it is easy for me to say, but God is able and capable of meeting all those who survived.  He will get Marshall county through this as He did in the High School shooting.  God is good.  All the time.  And He is always bigger than what we will ever face.

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