Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Saving Word

CAPH. My soul fainteth for thy salvation: but I hope in thy word. Mine eyes fail for thy word, saying, When wilt thou comfort me?” (Ps 119:81-82 AV)


Of note here is how the word of God and salvation are closely related.  It might even be our writer sees the word of God as his source of salvation.  Interspersed throughout the psalm are complaints of injustice or persecution.  No doubt this was a large part of David’s life.  But there were other troubles as well.  There were personal struggles.  Struggles of sin and sickness.  Troubles with doubt regarding the future.  He had marital troubles.  He suffered from self-confidence.  His friends abandoned him.  He felt all alone.  There were times of financial hardship when he didn’t know from where his next meal would come.  He took upon himself the care for not only himself and his family, but a band of men who swore allegiance to him.  His parents’ safety was a great concern.  When he fled from Saul, he moved his parents and hid them from his tormentor lest they become a bargaining chip against him.  Against all these things, it was the word of God that was David’s source of salvation.  These things worked out.  Eventually.  The LORD intervened and situations changes.  But David did not have to wait for the situation to change before he felt salvation from the LORD.  His Word because that source of salvation which David prized the most.

The word of God is an amazing book.  It is a supernatural book.  The verses contained therein can radically change a life.  I have seen many such things.  Especially on hospital calls.  One such occurrence comes to mind.  I was called to a room where someone lay dying.  The patient was a believer.  They were suffering from that which would eventually take his life.  The doctor, nurses, and family were all concerned because this patient was causing his discomfort because he was hanging on to life.  The family told me his favorite passage was Psalm twenty-three.  This psalm is perhaps the most quoted of all psalms.  It might even be the most quoted of all scripture second only to John 3:16.  The oft-quoted verse, in particular, says,  “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” (Ps 23:4 KJB)  It is this verse that brings comfort to many who have lost a loved one.  On this occasion, the family asked me to read this psalm and pray for their loved one.  I reverse the order.  I prayed the reading of the psalm would permeated to the patient’s mind and heart so he might receive comfort.  Then I began to read.  Slowly and loudly I read.  Very slowly so as the allow the words to have their way.  After verse four, we saw a change in his vitals.  His body began to shut down.  As we finished reading the psalm together, their patriarch entered heaven’s gate.  What power the word of God has!

We may not be able to change our circumstances.  They may not even improve right away.  This does not mean we are robbed of salvation.  We are body, soul, and spirit.  We are mind, heart, and will.  There is more to the human being than what he or she is experiencing in the physical world.  There are emotions to deal with.  There are spiritual concerns.  Some thoughts can torment.  The heart and mind can become instantly healthy.  There is salvation to be had.  This salvation is in the word of God.  We cannot be saved and have our sins forgiven apart from the word of God.  We must place our faith in what is written.  We must conform to the words and truths found therein.  Then and only then can we have peace with God.  The same is true no matter what threat we face.  The devil is not going away.  Not in our lifetime.  The world will continue to trouble us.  Our bodies will fail.  These are certainties.  The word of God, however, is constant.  It does not change.  It is the power of God unto salvation, but also for every need we will ever have.  Praise God for His glorious word that brings salvation to the soul.

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