Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Not Always Better

And he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul.” (Ps 106:15 AV)

The psalmist is referring to the quail provided by God to the children of Israel as they wandered in the wilderness.  God had provided manna from heaven.  The bible tells us it was angel’s food.  It was sweet to the taste like coriander seed.  There was no need to prepare this manna.  They could, and did, dry it to grind it into flour.  They saved the floor for the Sabbath because they were not allowed to gather Manna on the Sabbath.  This food provided by God was low maintenance and was dropped from heaven right in their laps.  Yet, they complained.  They wanted meat.  Or, better stated, they wanted a specific type of meat.  They had flocks and herds with them.  They had meat as they always had.  Lamb, beef, and poultry were part of their diet.  Yet, that was not good enough.  They desired quail from heaven.  The Bible says this brought leanness to their soul.  Not only did it not satisfy, it took what pleasure they did have and reduced it.

When I was much younger, I did a foolish thing in changing a wise choice into a foolish one.  One of the first cars I ever bought was a Nissan Sentra.  I bought it brand new off the lot.  I planned to pay it off and not have a car payment for several years and hopefully pay it off before I got married.  I took my grandfather for a ride and he inspected the car.  He loved it.  Especially the glove compartment.  But he was also impressed with my plan.  My father, as well, once he understood the plan, was rather impressed.  That little car gave me no problems.  It got great gas mileage.  A standard transmission, which I really liked, made this car even more economical.  However, I always dreamed of having a four-wheel-drive Jeep or truck.  One afternoon, while getting some recall work done on my vehicle, I spied a Jeep Grand Wagoneer.  It was forest green with all the extras.  Leather seats, power everything, etc.  I fell in love.  Justifying my desire by telling myself I had bought a lemon because it had recall work, and the fact I was probably going to get married eventually and that Sentra would never be big enough, and NY winters are harsh, I traded in my Sentra for that Jeep Grand Wagoneer.  I had a lot of fun with that Jeep.  I transported people all over the place when the snow came down by the foot.  I climbed hills with that Jeep.  I went off-road with that Jeep.  A lot of fun.  That is until I discovered eight miles to the gallon was steeper than a young man could afford.  All the fun went out of it.

God provided what the Children of Israel needed.  It was better than they could have done on their own.  They were wandering.  They had no steady source of carbs.  They had all the protein they needed.  They needed the Manna to supplement what they lacked.  This was not good enough for them.  They wanted something different.  When the quail came, they fell on them and ate them raw.  This made them ill.  God allowed them to suffer the consequences of their discontentment.  When God provides, it is always the best.  It may not meet our heart’s lust, but it meets the soul’s need.  If we are discontent and desire something we think is better, not only will it be worse, but it will rob us of the blessing we presently enjoy. 

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