Thursday, December 2, 2021

It's A God Thing

"Help me, O LORD my God: O save me according to thy mercy: That they may know that this is thy hand; that thou, LORD, hast done it.” (Ps 109:26-27 AV)


I have written much about the mercy of God.  Here, the Psalmist needs relief from his enemies.  He is suffering all sorts of injustices at their hands.  He is overwhelmed by the constant attack.  Yet, his motive for relief is the testimony of God.  He is asking for release that others may clearly know it is the hand of God that did it.  This suggests the character of that relief be so dramatic it is obviously from God’s hand.  He desires the means and method to be so far from human ability those who witness it cannot help but see a divine hand as the cause.  The Psalmist is not asking for vindication’s sake.  He is not asking for retribution.  He desires the reputation and ability of God almighty to be the sole reason for his escape.  That God might be known and glorified is the reason he seeks liberty.

In certain parts of the country, there is a saying used when something that is obviously from the LORD happens.  “It’s a God thing.”  This little phrase has more meaning than a simple declaration that God did something.  This phrase has the meaning that whatever happened was so dramatic and beyond mankind’s abilities, that it was obvious to all God did it.  When we say something is a God thing, we are saying God did that thing and there can be no other explanation.  ‘God things’ that truly turn my head are those things that involve incredible timing and order.  One thing depends on another which depends on another.  The plan and the execution of the plan is the testimony of the Almighty that really wows me.  How He can order all details to work together in one great plan is astounding.  One of my pleasures is seeing God through history.  Recently, I had the wonderful pleasure of investigating the history of my in-laws.  I learned where they were born.  Where they grew up.  How they met.  And what brought them from their home state to mine where I met and married their daughter.  Add to that my three sons and their call into the ministry and I can see how the LORD moved these complex series of events to one end.  He is really and truly amazing.

When we seek relief from the troubles of life, what are our motives?  Do we simply want to end the discomfort?  Do we seek the end of the horrible feeling of being overwhelmed by something we cannot control?  Do we want God to free us that we might be vindicated before those who are troubling us?  Do we want relief that we might use our liberty for an occasion to the flesh?  Do we want to find release so that others do not cause more harm?  What are our motives?  The Psalmist wanted the LORD to intervene that he might brag on God.  So, when those who caused him problems wondered at the psalmist liberty, he could tell them, it was a God thing.  Next time God does something for us, our reaction will be a good indication of our motives.  What do we say to others who notice how things worked out?  Who will we brag on?  Will we testify that what happened was a God thing?

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