Saturday, December 4, 2021

A Great Question

What shall I render unto the LORD for all his benefits toward me?” (Ps 116:12 AV)


A very good question.  This verse is packed with true assumptions.  Note first, the writer’s use of the word ‘all’.  This assumes a quality too large to a number and not equal to whatever he may do in an attempt to render to the LORD that which He might appreciate.  The use of the word ‘all’ may also assume the writer is easily aware of some of the benefits which the LORD has bestowed, but it took some reckoning the see more than was obvious.  The implication of this verse is there is nothing we could ever do to repay that which the LORD has done for us.  The question demands an answer with no absolute in mind.  The use of the word ‘all’ implies that even if the writer was to try to render to the LORD something in response to those benefits, he would always come up radically short.  This question begs action.  It is not a question intended to remain unanswered.  It is a question that motivates the writer to do what he can.

I grew up watching Gilligan’s Island.  For those unfamiliar, a small tourists boat with seven people on board was lost off the shore of Hawaii and marooned on a deserted island.  The entire program was a sitcom whose theme was trying to escape the island and reach the mainland.  Time and again, their efforts failed.  Usually by the mishaps of the second mate, Gilligan.  In one episode, the Skipper saved Gilligan’s life.  Gilligan was so thankful for his life that he vowed to serve the Skipper as a court attendant would do.  Gilligan wouldn’t let the Skipper do anything for himself.  I got so overbearing, the Skipper and the Professor had to concoct a way to set the scales even.  Gilligan was so annoying, the Skipper couldn’t get a moment's peace without his ‘little buddy’ in his face wanting to do something to please his Skipper.  The situation was resolved when the Professor and Skipper devised a plan wherein Gilligan saved the life of the Skipper and life was back to normal.  The point is, there was no limit to what Gilligan was willing to do to show how grateful he was the Skipper saved his life.  He could never repay him, but he sure tried his hardest.

This is the attitude of the writer.  There is no way we can come even close to reciprocating the grace and benefits which God has granted us.  We cannot come close to repaying what He has given.  Even if we shared our benefits with our fellow man (which we should do anyway), there simply are not enough resources to touch the debt we owe.  The question above is meant to motivate us to thank God for all that He has done and to spur us on in the generosity of resources and praise that God might be honored before all.  The writer wants to do something but he knows it will never be enough.  He is going to try anyway.

Prayer:  Father, I have done such a horrible job in this area.  I am so blessed but all I do is spend my prayer time feeling sorry for myself.  Father, I need a new spirit.  Please renew a right spirit within me that all of my energy might be geared towards repaying the debt I owe.  Thank You from the bottom of my heart for Your unsearchable riches by Christ Jesus.

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