Sunday, December 5, 2021

No Matter What A Day May Bring Forth

This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” (Ps 118:24 AV)


This statement is irrespective of the day in question or the circumstances involved.  It doesn’t matter what the day may bring forth.  It is a day like any other day.  Full of blessings, trials, and chastening.  This day is like any other Sunday.  The details may vary, but the day is the same.  It is twenty-four hours God has created that we may exist therein.  He has made it for a purpose.  There is something He wishes to accomplish therein.  This day is part of His plan.  God did not create time as the first element of His creation to see it tick away.  Or, better put, progress without any rhyme of reason.  Each day is in the plan of God and we are in that day because of that plan.  This day is for Him.  But it is also for us.  There is something in this day that He wishes for our blessing.  Whether it is a smile or word of encouragement, or some task the LORD wants to be done, this day is for us.  Therefore, no matter the set of circumstances, we should rejoice and be glad in it.

One may look at this verse and see the eternal optimist.  No matter what the day brings forth, our writer will rejoice and be glad.  We have all heard the saying, “If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”  We need more of that.  Attitude goes a long way in how we experience life.  We all have our times.  We all go through hard times.  It doesn’t matter what our resources or status in life.  There is trouble around every corner.  It may be a different corner, but there is trouble there.  Even the most wealthy have their days.  How we approach it makes all the difference in the world.  My mother was such a person.  She grew up hard.  Born in a very small and rural town, she did not live well.  Her grandparents owned the local hotel, but it burned to the ground.  Her father went from job to job.  Work was very hard to find back in the forties and fifties.  He finally settled into driving a bus route between Buffalo and Bath, NY.  They lived a simple and rural life.  Then she married my father.  Together, they raised eleven children.  She was a secretary and he was a school teacher.  Not exactly high-paying jobs.  We struggled.  We had more used clothing than brand new.  We didn’t have much and some of which we had come from picking through the garbage of our neighbors and repairing them to workable condition.  What my mother did do was she seldom wore a downcast face. She didn’t bounce off the walls with excitement, but she had a steady confident demeanor and she knew how to enjoy the day.  Much like my wife.  They are carbon copies of the same spirit.

The point is simple.  Before the day begins, the writer is making a promise to rejoice and be glad in it.  The phrase. “…we will…” is emphatic.  He makes this vow before the day begins because it does not matter what the day will bring forth.  Rejoice and be glad no matter what.  This is the Psalmist’s vow.  Trouble will come.  That is a certainty.  How we process it tells volumes regarding our relationship with the LORD.  If we are completely submitted to all that God has for us, then we will see the day as an opportunity.  We will not see it as a trial to endure.  Sure, this is not always easy.  But it is possible.  My heroes are my mother and my wife.  They live this verse.  They can make a mud puddle into a swimming pool.  They can make a problem a source of humor.  A grateful heart is at the center of this attitude.  Another day.  Another opportunity to show forth God’s goodness regardless of what the day will bring.

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