Thursday, December 9, 2021

Encouragement to Do Right

Uphold me according unto thy word, that I may live: and let me not be ashamed of my hope. Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe: and I will have respect unto thy statutes continually.” (Ps 119:116-117 AV)


Here is another vow by our writer, David.  He asks the LORD to hold him up by the ministry of the word.  Uphold and hold up have essentially the same meaning.  These words mean to provide a solid structure upon which someone must lean to remain stable.  Like the main beam for a tent, this stabilizing force holds the entire weight of the object it is supporting.  David is not talking about structure to overcome sin here.  However, his vow is, if the word of God would strengthen him, he promises to have respect for and live in the laws of God’s word.  If the word of God would give him encouragement and purpose in life, he in turn would live according to its demands.  If the word of God would see him through hard times, then he would gladly walk in obedience to the very word that got him through difficult times.  This promise, like all of David’s promises, is sincere.

This time of year brings back many memories.  I am waiting for the snow to fly.  I like blistery winter days with snow accumulation on the roofs of houses around me.  The mind knows just how cold and uncomfortable it is outside.  Inside, there is a  fire burning.  A hot cup of coffee or cocoa sits on the end table.  Soft music plays over the radio or TV.  One sits down and enjoys the quiet.  At least that is what it is like now that I am all grown up.  When I was younger, shoveling and paper routes were the things that made winter unbearable.  Especially when one had to do both.  In particular, it was not uncommon to do a paper delivery then turn around and shovel.  If it was the morning, usually we took a break in between.  We got home from our paper route and, knowing we had to shovel, we put out wet clothes and boots where they might dry off. But that never happened.  We needed a lot of encouragement to get back out in that weather to clean off the sidewalks and driveway.  The misery of what lay before us deterred any motivation towards obedience.

These verses speak to David’s motive for encouragement.  He doesn’t want encouragement simply to feel better.  He doesn’t want the LORD to take away his circumstances because life would be easier.  He doesn’t want peace of mind simply so he can enjoy life again.  He desires the ministry of the Holy Spirit by His holy word so the circumstances of life do not become so overwhelming he loses concern for obedience.  He wants to do right.  Yet, he finds his strength to do right waning under the burden of trouble.  He is discouraged and discouragement can often lesson resolve to do right.  We become weak.  We become tired.  We lose the zeal we once had.  We simply do not want to do anything, right or wrong.  We want to give up.  We don’t really care whether our choices matter or that God might care about them.  We simply do not care.  In our weakened state, we don’t even care if God is angry.  David wants to do right.  We want to live in obedience to the word of God.  HE simply needs encouragement to make that happen.  This is for what we should pray in times of distress and anguish.  The strength to do the right thing.  We should pray for a strengthened heart that we might have the ability to live a life pleasing to God.

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