Friday, December 3, 2021

Blessed By Love For Law

Praise ye the LORD. Blessed is the man that feareth the LORD, that delighteth greatly in his commandments.” (Ps 112:1 AV)


As we have mentioned before, the word blessed means to be happy, content and fulfilled.  The writer correctly states those that who fear the LORD and truly enjoy living in the commandments of God are the most fulfilled of all of God’s creation.  This goes contrary to our carnal mind’s thinking.  We think liberty from the constraints of the word of God would make up happy.  It may be for a while.  However, once the ships come in, we soon find out this is not the case.  Consequences aside, there are other reasons why the person above might enjoy the commandments of God.

The sheer pleasure of doing right.  This is a pleasure we often pursue without even knowing it.  I am learning much about cooking.  It is my new hobby, so to speak.  Watching different cooking shows reveals new techniques.  There is a period of trial and error.  One learns the correct temperatures.  I learn how different ingredients go together.  When a dish comes together, there is a sense of accomplishment and success.

The pleasure of the benefits received.  When we obey the will of God, there are blessings associated with it.  Not limited to avoiding negative consequences, there are positive outcomes.  We enjoy doing right because doing right produces good fruit.

The pleasure of God’s affirmation.  We do right because we know God appreciates it when we do.  He is pleased that we seek to please Him.

The pleasure of God’s reputation.  We do right because we know the testimony of God will be shown to others.  When we do right, we reveal the holy nature of God and hopefully inspire others to walk with Him.

There are probably a dozen or so more reasons to delight in the commandments of God.  The point is, delighting in the commandments of God brings blessedness to the heart, mind, and soul which disobedience does not.  Disobedience does just the opposite.  To delight in doing right means we have a life of purpose, pleasure, and contentment.  Knowing there is nothing between me and my God means I have a peace that passes all understanding.  Notices also the little adjective ‘greatly’.  This isn’t a passing pleasure in the commandments of God.  The Psalmist love living in the commandments of God far and above all other life’s pleasures.  If only we could live the same way.

Prayer:  Father, thank You for this passage.  It means a lot to me this morning.  I do desire that heart.  I know I have allowed myself to wander too far from this.  I need to return.  Please, Father, revive Thy work in the midst of the years.

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