Saturday, December 25, 2021

Joy To The World

 When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.” (Mt 2:10 AV)

 This can be a puzzling statement seeing as how these wise men followed the star all the way to Bethlehem.  The meaning could be several things.  It could be a general statement as to their reaction at seeing the star in the east and following it all the way to Christ.  Or, it could mean they rejoiced when the star came to a rest and they realized they would see the fulfillment of that prophecy of Numbers 24:17.  Which, by the way, is the first mention of a single star in scripture.  Or, as I think it is, they rejoiced in seeing Jesus Christ for they equated the star in the sky with equal significance as the fulfillment of that star in the person of Jesus Christ.  Regardless, they rejoiced when they saw the promise made to mankind of a Jewish Messiah who would save the world from their sin. We have a lot for which to be thankful.  The greatest of which is salvation in our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ.  When we think of all that the wise men gave up to see the Christ child, yet still choose to rejoice exceedingly, perhaps we can appreciate all the more how precious the gift of eternal life truly is.

Because Herod killed all the children two years old and younger, it is assumed the wise men saw the star two years before their arrival.  We do not know if it took these men two years of travel time, but we do know it was a great distance.  It is also assumed they traveled mostly at night.  This may or may not be true because they knew the star was out of Jacob.  Or, out of Israel.  For the most part, they could have traveled westward towards Israel during the day and worshipped the God of the star in the evening.  As they came closer to Israel, they more than likely traveled as night because they did not know exactly where in Israel the star would rest.  Being Gentile in nationality, they would have suffered some consternation for their desire to recognize a Jewish king.  Being under Roman control at the time, these wise men would have had to be stealth in their aspirations because there would be questions among the Romans as to this prophecy.  As is evidenced by Herod’s reaction, this was a concern.  These wise men left family and occupation to make this trip.  They did it at a substantial cost to themselves.  In other words, they went through great hardship and personal risk to experience the Christ child.  Perhaps this is why they rejoiced exceedingly.

The depth of our personal cost and risk is commensurate with the joy we receive at the remembrance of who and what Jesus Christ is to us.  Those who have paid little will appreciate Jesus very little.  Those who have remained committed and suffered loss because of that commitment will rejoice at the meditation of and prayer to their great God and Savior.  Today really isn’t about all those traditions.  It is not even about family, per se.  This day is a day to be exceedingly filled with joy because we have eternal life through the suffering and death of Jesus Christ!  We are raptured with joy that warms the heart when we see that Star!  He truly is the reason for the season.

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