Monday, February 8, 2021

The Key To Happiness

Now therefore hearken unto me, O ye children: for blessed are they that keep my ways.” (Pr 8:32 AV)


The one speaking here is wisdom.  The statement is very simple.  If we want a blessed life, then we need to apply wisdom.  What occurred to me this morning is the absolute application of this verse.  It is not dependent upon the condition in which we find ourselves.  That is, in times of worldly prosperity or depression, wisdom is still the avenue of blessing.  Whether in sickness or health, blessedness comes from wisdom.  Whether in times of persecution or in times of peace, it is wisdom that brings blessedness.  In times like these, we think blessings will come few and far between.  Surely, as the world becomes more antagonistic with the message of forgiveness and grace, where comes the blessings?  As we suffer for our faith, how can we even begin to believe that a blessed life is possible?  The thing is, the promise from wisdom above is independent of circumstances. It’s an unconditional promise that if we apply wisdom, our lives will be blessed.

We have a funny way of thinking of blessings.  We think of them in terms of the temporal or carnal.  If we have a lot of money in the back, we are blessed.  If we have perfect health, we are blessed.  If we never have spousal arguments, we must be blessed.  If our kids are never any cause for trouble, then we must be blessed.  If our church is growing, then we must be blessed.  However, the word for blessed here means happiness.  It does not mean prosperous.  The word does not mean trouble-free.  The word does not mean realizing all of one’s ambitions.  The word means to be happy.  And particularly, happiness despite adverse circumstances.  Wisdom promises she will overcome our circumstances if we will only believe in the wisdom she shares.  Wisdom may do remove our circumstances, or even give us solutions for them, however, wisdom promises a blessed life if we will simply trust her.

Knowing you did the right thing even though it would cost you is one of those ways in which happiness comes.  Knowing you made the best choice possible even though there was no perfect choice can bring happiness.  Knowing you did the right thing even though the situation continues brings a sense of happiness.  Doing the right thing even though the benefits of that choice would not be realized for quite some time also gives a sense of happiness.  Wisdom does not require or guarantee the best of circumstances.  All wisdom encourages us to do is to do the right thing at the right time.  Sometimes it smarts.  Sometimes, doing the right thing means taking one on the chin.  But we can look back on it and see how God used it.  Or, we can go to sleep at night knowing we did the right thing.  Wisdom does not guarantee a full bank account.  She doesn’t guarantee a life free from trouble.  What she does guarantee is the knowledge we are right with God and that God knows it.  Do you want a happy life?  Then apply the principles of the word of God and take comfort in doing so.  This is the only key to happiness.

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