Monday, February 15, 2021

Self-loathing And The Pit of Ignorance

He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul: but he that heareth reproof getteth understanding.” (Pr 15:32 AV)


There are several ways to look that that first phrase above.  We could look at the truth that despising instruction is an act of self-loathing.  Or, as we will this morning, a person who rejects instruction may have at the root a self-loathing problem.  A person with a self-loathing issue sees more value in self-destructive behavior than they do self-sustaining behavior.  They see more advantage in destroying what they hate; that is themselves; than they do in protecting what they hate.  You read that right.  The problem is not our opinion of ourselves.  We should have a low opinion of ourselves.  There is a difference between having a really low opinion of ourselves and self-loathing.  When we see ourselves for what we truly are, we see the lack of value we bring to God and others.  However, we do understand that with Christ as our Savior and the work of the Holy Spirit, there is value in the life God has graciously given.  Self-loathing sees no value and the pride of heart believes it is the responsibility of self to destroy self that in some way, that destruction might have value.  The soul that refuses instruction is purposely trying to destroy self for the purpose of some kind of assessment of anything of any worth.

Volunteering in the health industry, I have come across many patients who give up hope.  They do not see any value in their lives even if there is plenty.  Their health care professionals encourage them to stick to whatever regimen is suggested for an improved quality of life.  Perhaps they have family or friends worth living for.  Maybe they have responsibilities in the community, church, or circle of influence which would sorely miss them if they passed away.  Yet, they cannot see any value in their present circumstances.  My job as a chaplain was to help them see what they could not see.  To give them a reason to undergo suggested treatment.  My job was to help them see that every life, no matter the circumstances, has value.  This is a difficult task given circumstances that others think are impossible.  It is at this point the patient will begin a self-evaluation and determine if their life has any value.  If they think it does not, regardless of the truth of the matter, they will refuse instruction.  They hate the circumstances of their lives.  There were also those patients who were addicted to drugs.  This is a curse and a scourge on our land!  The trap that an addict goes down is a never-ending spiral of pleasure, guilt, self-loathing, and ending in pleasure to cover it all.  He or she feels guilty and ashamed, but the answer too often is not forgiveness and freedom.  It is more of the same.

The Spirit spoke to me this morning and asked me to consider if some of our behavior isn’t so much as natural human frailty to go after sin.  But rather, the idea that we know we are worthless outside of Christ and because of that, we see no point in trying.  We see far too much of our failures and not enough of the Spirit’s work on our lives.  We only see condemnation and hardly see commendation.  We condemn ourselves more than we praise God for what He has done.  Because of that, we refuse further instruction thinking there is no point.  This is a dangerous path.  This is a path that only ends one way.  It ends in the self-fulfilling prophecy of worthlessness and despair.  The cure is to remember we are the workmanship of God in Christ Jesus and He doesn’t make junk!  He had redeemed us and His work will continue far into eternity.  It would be better if we didn’t work against Him in that which He is trying to accomplish and start the process of praising God for all that He has done.

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