Friday, February 12, 2021

Surrender Is Permanent

Then thou shalt take an aul, and thrust it through his ear unto the door, and he shall be thy servant for ever. And also unto thy maidservant thou shalt do likewise.” (De 15:17 AV)


The law of the servant was such that if the servant found it advantageous to continue on with his debtor, even after the debt had been paid off, he could choose to remain a servant for the remainder of his life.  Exactly what is going on here?  If a Hebrew citizen had a debt he could not pay, he could either volunteer to become an indentured servant to his debtor until the debt is paid, or he could find another who would pay the debt on his account and be indentured to the payer.  While serving off his debt, if he happened to receive other benefits or kindness which proved he has a gracious debtor, he could remain in his employ for the remainder of his life.  Or, if the indebted happened to marry a wife provided by the debtor, and upon release from his debt, the debtee would lose his wife back to the debtor who supplied that wife, the debtee could choose to remain employed by his benefactor and thus keeping his wife.  The point is, upon paying all the debt off and being released by the benefactor, the once indebted could choose to remain in the benefactor’s employ.  If this happened, the once indebted would have his ear bored through and an erring placed in it to signify to whom he was commissioned to serve.  This was permanent.  Even if the erring was removed, and the pierced ear to heal as best as it could, there would remain a scar.  Proof of a decision that was permanent and from which he could never be released.

Why would an individual choose to remain bound to a benefactor?  Because over the years of service, the benefactor proved himself gracious and ready to bestow blessings above the debt paid off.  This portion of the law is preached in different ways.  However, I think it best to apply it in light of a saint who has had his debt of sin satisfied and has found his Master more than gracious above and beyond paying that sin debt.  Thus, he finds the Master someone whom he can trust with the remainder of his life.  This should be true of every believer.  God has blessed far and above what we could ask or think.  If all God did was wipe away our sin debt by the blood of Christ, it would be far more than we deserve and worthy of our undying devotion and commitment.  But He has done far more.  Every blessing we have is because of the wonderful grace of God.  Every last thing!

Everything I enjoy, from my wife to my kids to my grandkids were all provided by my Benefactor.  I owe him my life.  But the thing to remember is surrender is a free will choice by the servant.  The Benefactor will not force it.  He deserves it, but He will not force it.  Once this decision is made, it cannot be unmade.  Whether there is a ring in our ear or a scar that remains, the proof will always be there that we have surrendered to serve the most gracious of all Benefactors.  One gets a picture of the servant, with his ear pressed to the wall, being pierces through by his benefactor.  There was certain pain involved.  Pain that would soon subside while the servant remembers just how blessed he has been to serve such a wonderful benefactor.  The point is simple.  We owe God everything.  Everything we have is because of the goodness of God.  By giving ourselves, we cannot come close to paying the debt we owe.  But it is a start.  Once decided, we can never go back.  Ever!

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