Wednesday, February 3, 2021

God Will Win - Period

But as truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the LORD.” (Nu 14:21 AV)


The context is not needed in the sense the meaning of this verse doesn’t change.  The context is the lack of faith of the ten spies of Israel who returned to discourage the people of Israel from taking the promised land.  Moses pleads for mercy on these ten men and their families.  Moses pleads for mercy for the entire nation.  God forgives.  Then He makes the statement above.  In other words, the lack of faith and disobedience of man will not stop the glory of God.  The glory of God will fill the earth no matter what man chooses to do or not to do.  To men, this is a huge encouragement.  Especially since we are seeing the systematic persecution of God’s people and the silencing of the good news of the gospel, we need this encouragement so that when these times come, we can be assured God’s glory will reign.  No matter what creation does!

We live in the times of Noah.  Jesus warned us about this.  He warned us the closer we approach the day of His appearing; the more rebellious mankind would get.  He warned us that sin would abound.  He warned us there would be wars and rumors of wars.  He warned us there would be disease.  He warned us people would suffer.  He warned us the forces of evil would appear to be winning.  He warned us the vast majority of mankind would come out against God and His Christ.  These things are coming to pass.  More and more we are seeing the hatred for God overwhelming the love for God.  We see good people persecuted, imprisoned, and killed all because they dared to love God with all their heart, mind, soul, and body.  We see lives ruined, businesses destroyed, and associations threatened.  Those who wish to stand for God, truth, and the right are being marginalized and neutralized.  The idea is if the haters can eliminate God from the culture of America and the world, then God will leave them alone and they can live as they please.  However, God created all things and owns all things.

The statement above is an emphatic one.  There is nothing that will change it.  We may have to suffer a bit before the verse above becomes a reality, but we are playing for the winning team.  The conclusion is already known.  There is no dispute over who will come out on the other side as a victor.  In fact, remember the more the losing side makes a stink, the more they realize the outcome is determined.  The greater the noise, the more reality is sinking in.  This is not a time for the child of God to be discouraged.  Just the opposite,  It is a time to be encouraged.  It is a time to see the course of this world and remember that we are one day, one month, one year, and one millennium closer to the day when the glory of God shall be upon the earth.  Not to fret, child of God.  He is coming back.  It could be tonight.  It could be tomorrow.  Who knows exactly when?  But He is coming back and there is nothing the screamers can do about it.  Praise be to God!

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