Saturday, February 13, 2021

Daily Devos Required To Lead

And it shall be with him, and he shall read therein all the days of his life: that he may learn to fear the LORD his God, to keep all the words of this law and these statutes, to do them:” (De 17:19 AV)


This instruction comes from the words of Moses to a nation preparing to enter the land of Canaan.  He warns against the desire to anoint a king.  He warns there will be consequences for that desire.  All of them came true.  However, in knowing they eventually would choose a king, Moses also gives them laws regarding the qualifications and expectations of the king.  One of them listed above.  The king was to copy the word of God located in the tabernacle for his own personal use.  This would have been overseen by the high priest, verified to be an exact duplicate, and released to the king to rule the kingdom.  The king was to read and study the word of God daily.  He was to study and memorize the word of God for it was the law of the land.  The king was bound to judge by it and he could not institute laws contrary to it.  The word of God was his standard.  The word of God was his rule.  Because this was so, it was required of him to have his nose in it every day!

For a leader to lead, the word of God must be by him and in him daily.  In reading the verse again, attention could not be stopped from noticing the word of God was to be by him.  He was not to read it and then put it up.  The word of God was close by for reference and guidance.  In other words, it would be impossible to lead without the Bible front and center.  There are many leaders.  There are teachers, parents, civic leaders, and pastors, to name a few.  The above command isn’t for the king alone.  It is for anyone who would be an authority or example to another.  In my ministry, I stress daily devotions.  Daily devotions are the most important spiritual discipline a saint could do.  To read the Bible and pray every day is absolutely essential.  There is no excuse.  If we have time to eat, we have time to read and pray.  If we have time to sleep, we have time to read and pray.  There is no excuse to ignore the voice of God and then expect Him to guide us as we lead others.

When we think of a king who would lead God’s people, this makes complete sense.  How else would he lead God’s people God’s way without memorizing, studying, and applying God’s word?  But this is also true for everyone.  Not for the king alone.  How can we expect to help someone else, mentor someone else, or judge between a matter if we do not know the word of God?  The Bible isn’t solely for our own encouragement.  The word of God was not given primarily to make us feel good.  The word of God was given that we might have principles by which to live, enjoy the blessings of God, and glorify God with the life He has granted.  When we ignore the word of God, we ignore the lifeblood we need as well as the needs of those who depend on us.  There really is no excuse we can give to the LORD Himself why we cannot spend some time in His precious word.  If the king was to have the word of God at his side and read from it every day, we can too!

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