Thursday, February 11, 2021

Because the Father Loves

O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever!” (De 5:29 AV)


We see a side of the Father that we seldom remember.  Especially when it applies to laws and standards.  The laws and standards of the word of God are not arbitrary or decided upon somewhere in eternity past.  The laws and standards of the word of God are God’s nature as expressed through that which He has created.  Since God is a God of love, mercy, and benevolence, the law and standards of the word of God are an expression of the same for the benefit and blessings of mankind.  We often see them as made up some time in the past for an orderly creation with a divine administrator.  However, the nature of the law is a vehicle by which we may experience the best possible life.  In short, the law was given not primarily as a necessary function of order and discipline, but rather, the means to receive the greatest blessings of life.  Herein we see the heart of our divine Father.  He wants us to have the best possible life.  The way to do that is to provide principles found within Himself that will guarantee that.  The law is the expression of the love of the Father towards those whom He has created.

The laws or rules in my home were not only for my personal sanity.  They were also principles that protected my children and also provided for the safest and most enjoyable childhood.  These principles also prepared them for adulthood.  One of my rules was to use things and treat things as they were intended when created.  If something has a purpose, use it only for that purpose.  If it belongs somewhere, put it back there when done using it.  For instance, the furniture is not a jumping gym.  There is something created for that purpose.  It is in the park.  The stairs were not created for use to slide down.  There are slides at the park.  A bicycle was not created to put stoned down a fender as one is peddling by hand and inverted bicycle creating a weapon of mass irritation.  Frogs were not created to blow up with a firecracker.  So on and so on.  This rule created respect for things and people, but also provided the direction needed to create purposefully and efficiently.  When they grew up and began their adult life, there was discipline learned that transferred well into practical points of ministry.  This is not simply because a rule is a rule.  Rather, this principle saved them from unsafe or unwise choices.

The LORD did not give us a law to make us miserable.  He gave us a law because it is an extension of His own perfection.  His own perfection includes love, mercy, grace, etc.  Therefore, the giving of the law is what a loving Father would do.  His rules and standards are not because He desires control, rather, His motive is to express how much He loves and cares for those whom He has created.  When we think if there is a law, then it was created and given with tyranny in mind.  This was the argument Satan made to Eve and Adam in the garden.  His argument was God simply didn’t want mankind to be His equal.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Bless God He loved us enough to give us law!

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