Saturday, February 20, 2021

Limited View Requires God's Guidance

Man’s goings are of the LORD; how can a man then understand his own way?” (Pr 20:24 AV)


The understanding of this verse is simply enough.  This verse speaks to the sovereign plan of God for our lives and His manner in working that plan out.  Specifically, this verse speaks to the future planning of a man and his struggle is trying to figure the choices of the present which will guarantee a planned future.  The assumption is we are a captain of our own destiny.  This is not true.  We are only as free as the LORD allows.  Our freedom is constrained within the binderies in which the LORD has placed us.  We do not have complete freedom to do as we dream or think.  The other side of this truth is the application we see above.  That is, we cannot understand completely our own way and need the guidance of the LORD to figure that out.

One of the greatest inventions is the GPS navigator.  When they first came out, I got myself one and navigated almost everywhere with it.  Over time, phones replaced the Garmins.  Google Maps or Waze became more reliable and up to date than the older GPS navigation stand-alone devices.  There is no subscription needed and real-time conditions can be had.  In Google maps, one can even overlay different maps like topographical maps or satellite images.  I have one son who loves to navigate that way.  He will go to street view and a satellite view.  Can’t figure that one out.  I need the map so I have much more time to prepare for a change of course.  My father-in-law likes to zoom way out.  He likes to see as much of the route as he can.  But he is a living compass.  He never gets lost and has a sixth sense of direction.  One thing about this technology is it can never give you a complete picture of the entire trip.  Waze gives details for which I am grateful.  A car on the shoulder, obstructions in my lane, or potholes coming up.  What it cannot do is tell me everything that will happen along my trip all at once.  It lacks information that might change.  Therefore, I may see a general direction in which I will travel, but my GPS is not all-knowing nor can it determine the conditions in which I will travel.  All it can do is offer information and suggestions for choices.

Conversely, our God is a God who knows the future right down to every detail.  He also has a plan for our lives right down to every choice.  We cannot understand the path of our lives much like we cannot anticipate every turn in the road.  Driving the hills of the Appalachians, Smokeys, or Blue Ridge, no matter how much we know ahead of time, each curve has with it new information which we didn’t have before.  We cannot completely and fully know our path because we have not gone that way before.  The point of the Proverb is to point out the obvious for the purpose of discipling the heart to trust God.  Faith is that practice which we are required to exercise for the pleasure of God.  It is that discipline which angels cannot enjoy.  Faith means we admit we don’t know what we don’t know and trust the LORD to guide us through life in the way He has determined for it to go.  The LORD knows what He is doing.  He has known from eternity.  What Solomon is saying to his son is, “you may think you know where you are going or what you will be doing, but it is all of the LORD.”  So, we better get used to the ride and stop thinking we determine the outcome far more than we do.  God is always in control and we need His hand in order to navigate through the hills and valley of life in the way which pleases Him most.

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