Friday, November 22, 2019

Wings Of Wellness

But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.” (Mal 4:2 AV)

As I sit here this morning, my wife has gone into surgery.  It is a common out-patient procedure and we are not anxious one bit over any type of complications.  As things go, her situation is rather minor compared to others.  But surgery is surgery.  We fully expect good reports and for continued treatment to improve her health.  What this experience does bring to mind is the promise stated above and the certainty of it!  There is no doubt no matter what the LORD may ask us to go through, He will eventually heal it all.  We will all die of something.  We may enjoy temporary relief and good health, but eventually our health will fail.  The promise above is not one of immortality in this life.  Rather, the promise above is for permanent healing.  There will come a time when our bodies will be glorified with no possibility of disease or injury.  Even more important, the healing from the consequences and possibilities of sin is the true and most desired of all healing.

Like my shoulder surgery in 2016, Lisa’s healing will be brief and successful.  She will recovery from the surgery in short order.  A trial turned to a lesson has taught us these things are not pleasant to go through.  We wish we did not have to endure it.  However, when the healing is complete and therapy is through, improvement over the initial injury is great.  My shoulder is better than it has been in almost twenty years.  When Lisa is through her dark tunnel, she will enjoy relief she hasn’t felt in over a decade.  If we do not falter in our follow-up lifestyle changes, we will both feel better than we have is almost a decade.  This illustrates our future glorification.  If a simple grinding down of bone and strengthening of the shoulder muscles can restore full function with little pain, just imagine what will happen when Christ brings His healing! 

The Hebrew word for healing is astounding.  It is the negative form of another word.  In other words, it is the negative or opposite of incurable.  This word is a beautiful word.  When we think of something as curable, we don’t think of it in the manner that it might never happen again.  Or, we may think there might be other residual effects of the curable disease.  There might be a scar.  There might be anti-bodies.  There might be marks of once having a condition.  Our definition of curable means the current condition is over, but the effects of it may not be.  This Hebrew word, being the opposite of incurable, means more than curable.  It means the disease is gone and there are no side effects or evidence it ever existed in the first place.  GLORY!  When Christ comes back with healing in His wings, it will be with the intent to erase all evidence of sin and the possibility of it ever returning.  That is the healing which the finest surgeon in the world cannot guarantee.  That is a healing which the most talented physician cannot promise.  That is a healing which the most advanced health care team cannot promote.  This healing is by the power of God and God alone!  Permanent and complete!

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