Monday, November 18, 2019

Mission Not Impossible

Thus saith the LORD of hosts; If it be marvellous in the eyes of the remnant of this people in these days, should it also be marvellous in mine eyes? saith the LORD of hosts.” (Zec 8:6 AV)

This question is an awesome question.  The word for marvelous means difficult beyond reconciliation.  The people of God could not see how they could be restored after years of captivity.  To them, it was too marvelous and could not be done.  The LORD asks the question, “Just because it may seem impossible to you, should it seem impossible to Me?”  This not so much a stern rebuke to their lack of faith as it is a reality check of the abilities of our infinite God.  As Luke puts it, “And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” (Lu 18:27 AV)

Before we get a bit judgmental, let us put this in context.  Note the reference to the remnant and the days.  The LORD is speaking to a small group of the original millions that left Israel and Judah into captivity.  He is speaking to the small remnant that has been tasked to return to Palestine to rebuild the wall and temple.  He is speaking to less than ten percent of the original population that has gone through 70+ years of captivity to an unrelenting master.  They did so because of their disobedience to God.  The days in which He is referring is troublous times.  Times when the land of Canaan is occupied by the enemies of Israel who will stand against them as they re-enter the land God both promised and gave to them. The days which the LORD is referring are days which will be filled with toil and labor, threats and intimidation, poverty and prejudice.  Being tasked with building the temple and rebuilding the wall would indeed seem marvelous.

We have to be careful that we do not limit God simply because the tools which He will use are limited.  Moses was guilty of this.  He was called and sent, yet he found himself woefully inadequate to the task God called him to do.  He wanted to go so far as to pick the one whom he believed God should have picked.  Moses limited God because he felt he was limited.  True, we are limited.  There is only so much we can do.  But God is not!  Just because we see ourselves as we should, limited and flawed creatures, does not mean God is unable to overcome our limitations and do wonderous with our lives.  Why should God be overwhelmed?  He cannot be!  Why should God think it impossible just because we do?   I have learned a long time ago that God can do above and beyond what we think possible.  All we need to do is make ourselves available and trust God with the plan.  Just watch what God can do!

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