Saturday, November 23, 2019

Three Little Words

And the two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus. Then Jesus turned, and saw them following, and saith unto them, What seek ye? They said unto him, Rabbi, (which is to say, being interpreted, Master,) where dwellest thou? He saith unto them, Come and see. They came and saw where he dwelt, and abode with him that day: for it was about the tenth hour.” (Joh 1:37-39 AV)

With three little words, the LORD begins a relationship with these two disciples that will last of all eternity.  Come and see.  A gracious host to say the least.  Come and see.  Not a worrisome put off as though His dwelling was insufficient, or, not prepared.  Come and see.  Not a dwelling absent of the homey touches of an occupied home.  Come and see.  Not a split-level, bedrooms, two-and-a-half baths.  Come and see.  Not a “it’s too late in the day and tonight really doesn’t work for me.”  Come and see.  Not a “others have a better home for entertaining than I do, so let’s make an appointment for another time.”  Come and see.  Not a “let’s just meet at church and we can fellowship there.”  Come and see.  The accommodating nature of our Savior was greater than the hunger of the disciples for divine fellowship.  Come and see.  As they heard the words of God spoken by the Son of God, the only thought was to dwell with the Son of God.  Come and see.

There three little words are the entire invitation to mankind perfectly stated by the divine utterances of a hospitable God.  Come and see.  Three little words represent a wide-open invitation to spend time with a God who makes the time for His most precious creation – the human soul.  Come and see.  Three little words with no preconditions other than a mind and heart to desire the fellowship offered.  Come and see.  There is no admittance fee.  No required house warming gift.  No dish to pass or reciprocal invitation required.  All grace.  All open.  Come and see.  When we consider these three little words, one gets the picture of a wide-open door with nothing to block entrance.  Come and see.  It began with a willingness to listen.  It progressed with a willingness to learn.  The invitation was extended because there was a request.  Jesus, we want to be where You are.  Come and see.  There wasn’t any oil burning in the steamer, no fresh smells coming from the kitchen, no pictures on the wall.  Come and see.  There were no expectations of hospitable service where their needs were met.  Come and see.  The only guarantee they had was more of the word of God taught by the Son of God.  Come and see.  There were no fancy beds or feather filled quilts.  No fireplace in the hearth or a fresh bath to be drawn.  Come and see.  No dotting wife, charming children, or obedient pet.  Come and see.  A wide-open door for any and all who have to sole priority to sit at the feet of Jesus as He opens the truth of God’s word.

With three little words, the whole of the meaning of walking with Jesus is revealed.  Come and see.  Nothing was withheld from these two.  The came; they saw.  Perhaps a simple bowl of soup was offered.  Maybe a small fire where they could warm their hands.  But all those creature comforts weren’t the point.  Come and see.  These three little words began a journey of three and a half years that few would ever experience.  Come and see.  Starting where God dwells opened the places were God works.  Come and see.  Entering through a door, gate, or hole in a cave opened the wonders of God’s mercy and might that few would ever know.  Come and see.  From the outside, it doesn’t look like much.  A simple place.  A non-descript place.  A place which most would simply pass by without all that much notice.  Come and see.  A place that would often receive scorn.  A place not worthy of the majesty of God but a place where the glory of God reigns.  Come and see.  With three little words, two lives were changed and a world turned upside down.  Come and see.

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