Sunday, November 10, 2019

Brain Maintenance

Woe to them that devise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds! when the morning is light, they practise it, because it is in the power of their hand.” (Mic 2:1 AV)

The last thoughts one has before slumber falls upon the mind and the first thoughts one has when the mind awakes are important.  They often shape the choices for the day.  Guarding one’s thoughts at the most vulnerable of times keeps the soul from engaging in things the body should not.  It is in those twilight and dawning hours of the day when we are least vigilant with out thought life.  It is exactly when our guard should be completely up.

I read recently of the activities of the brain and the need for sleep.  Without getting too technical (mostly because I cannot remember), the brain needs rest.  It needs to be cleansed of toxins that have built up over the day.  These toxins are waste material created by the electrical activity of the brain during our waking hours.  As the body rest and sleeps, the brain must go into its own sleep mode.  It is when all higher functions of the brain shut down and only the auto-response portions remain active.  It is during these hours the brain releases these toxins beyond the brain/blood barrier and into our system.  There, these toxins are released like all toxins.  It is sort of like a virus scan or defrag on your computer.  There needs to be maintenance to rid the computer of redundant or harmful data so that when called upon, the computer can operate at maximum speed and efficiency.  If the brain is not cleansed, over time, it will lose function.  Night time is a time where the brain is cleansed.  Not a time when the brain is entertaining higher functions.

A good practice is to fall asleep and awake in the spirit of prayer.  Once can fall asleep beginning the process which will automatically kick in once we slumber.  We can begin the process of emptying the trash.  We can pray and confess our sins of the day.  We can fall to sleep thanking God for all that He has done for the saint that day.  We can ask the LORD to overcome our faults.  We can seek the LORD’s guidance for our spiritual maturity.  When day breaks, it is good to ask the LORD to help in service and testimony for Him.  Counting our blessings as we begin the day and thanking God for who and what He is will reduce the chance of falling.  Waking to the thoughts of how blessed we are keeps us grateful no matter how the day unfolds.  What we think of before we fall asleep and what we dwell on as sleep escapes our eyes will shape exactly what we entertain during the day.  So, let us guard our minds in the most vulnerable times of the day.  Let us empty the trash and night and fill our cups with the greatness and mercy of God in the morning.

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