Sunday, November 3, 2019

Welcome The Correction

My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction: For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.” (Pr 3:11-12 AV)

Our human nature does not appreciate being corrected.  This is true from the moment we are born to the day we die.  If it means more independence, then we are all for the correction.  Like when a child learns to walk.  He is enthusiastic about it.  When he wants to learn how toys work or a project the is working on, then he may welcome input.  But try to correct that child and he will fight you all the way.  We never grow out of this.  But we can learn to appreciate it and not grow tired of it.

As I am getting older, I find myself welcoming the correction of God more and more.  I understand a bit of what Paul was speaking when he shares his testimony of the thorn.  God gave him that thorn to keep him for being exalted above measure.  This could mean several things.  It could mean the LORD was concerned pride might be Paul’s downfall, so he gave him a thorn which resulted in Paul requiring the assistance of others for the remainder of his life.  It could be God gave him the thorn to keep his ambition in check.  The greatest saint to ever live could have accomplished much more.  The LORD had a plan for his life.  The thorn was part of it.  I have learned that thorns are good.  They are the means by which God keeps us in check and does not allow us to become something He never intended.  Sometimes, those thorns are not trials of faith or flesh, but correction.  The way we keep from despising them or growing tired of them is to see the fruit they produce and be grateful for it.  Which brings me back to an initial point.

The only regret I have over these corrections is that it took these corrections to change who and what I am.  I regret the LORD felt the need to correct in the first place.  The desire for victory is there.  Like all men, I simply do not have it within my flesh to be victorious.  So, the LORD must send correction.  And this saint is truly grateful.  This writer is far from perfect.  If he could see the true depth of the reality of that statement, he may go down a road of utter despair.  However, he is aware the LORD has changed him.  He is not the same person he was thirty-seven years ago.  It has been a hard road.  Not because of the LORD, but because of the stubbornness of the writer’s heart that kept him from making life changing choices based solely on the righteous nature of the change.  No, he had to do it the hard way.  But this writer is eternally grateful God never gives up!  He always corrects.  And the older he gets, the more he desires more of it because he knows the end of it.  Christlikeness at any cost!

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