Monday, November 25, 2019

Too Much of a Good Thing is Bad

Hast thou found honey? eat so much as is sufficient for thee, lest thou be filled therewith, and vomit it.” (Pr 25:16 AV)

Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.  Honey is a great food!  Local honey is proven to assist in fighting seasonal allergies.  Consuming locally grown honey builds up the immune system against local pollen.  Honey is great for the digestive tract.  It keeps the plumbing running smoothly.  Honey is also very good at regulating blood sugar balance.  All one needs to do is google the benefits of honey and it becomes apparent we should probably consume more than we do.  However, as my lovely wife can attest, too much would make one sick.

Some time in her childhood, she ate a boat load of honey, all in one sitting.  To this day, she does not use or consume and significant amount of honey at any one time.  Honey Nut Cheerios or a Greek desert called baklava is about the only way she will eat honey.  They thought of any thing else makes her gag.  I, on the other hand, love it.  It goes in my oatmeal every morning.  When I eat biscuits, on it goes.  I brew my own lemon, ginger, and honey tea.  Love it!  Love it!  But too much of a good thing, even if it good for you, can be a bad thing.  One of my favorite candies is bit-o-honey.  I can eat these by the bag full.  However, I found out the hard way this is not a wise thing.  I can remember such an episode even forty years later.  I had been sucking down the bit-o-honeys for about two hours when all of a sudden, the health benefits of honey kicked in all at once.  I was at a boy scout meeting in the basement of the church.  I spent more time in the boy’s bathroom than I did outside of it.  Wave after wave it came.  I think the next time my doctor schedules a colonoscopy, I might suggest bit-o-honey rather than the prep.  Just as effective, yet a whole lot cheaper. 

Too much of a good thing that is good for you can cause other things that are good for you to be out of balance.  Too much honey can cause one to become dehydrated.  In the same sense, too much of one good thing might rob us of another good thing.  Physical, spiritual, and emotional health require a balanced life.  We are prone to access.  What we enjoy we tend to enjoy to its fullest.  The problem is, there are good things we may not enjoy.  These must also be part of our lives.  Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing

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