Friday, November 8, 2019

All Judged, Few Delivered

But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.” (Ob 1:17 AV)

Obadiah was sent to the people of Edom.  Edom, also known as Esau, was Israel’s neighbor to the east.  In particular, the prophet was given a message of judgment upon Edom because they took advantage of Israel when God chastened them.  The cut off any escape the children of Israel had from the forces of Assyria.  Edom stood outside the gates of their cities, ready to loot and inhabit them the moment Israel was carried off.  Furthermore, they rejoiced at the calamity of God’s people as someone who believes themselves to be superior and outside of the judgment of God.  What Edom failed to realize is all will not escape the judgment of God.  Whether someone walks with God or not will never cease God’s eye that tries the ways of man.  This is the misnomer of the heathen.  They hold us to a higher standard not realizing God created them, too.  The difference is, there is deliverance for the penitent where there is no deliverance for the rebellious.

Two brothers are caught in a major infraction.  Both condemned by their father for a fault which needs major punishment, they are assigned a lengthy and difficult job.  As Dad watches from a distance, he notices a difference in attitude between his two sons.  One is angry and frustrated that he was caught.  He is embarrassed more at the task then he is his sin.  It is evident in his actions.  He putts around only doing a half-hearted job.  He throws tools to the ground.  He yells at his brother.  He glares in the window which he thinks to be the portal to his father’s presence.  He kicks dirt.  He even picks on the family dog.  On the other hand, his brother is working up a sweat.  Doing the vast majority of labor in a productive way, his father takes note.  Knowing that he deserved a whole lot worse, he tries as best he can to do what his father wants.  He doesn’t complain.  He doesn’t throw a temper tantrum.  He submits under the hand of his father and admits his guilt.

Which, do you suppose, will earn an early reprieve?  Which of the two do you think will generate a heart of compassion from his father?  Which of the two will be restored to fellowship with the one whom he hurt?  The one willing to admit his fault and take his pill!   Herein is the lesson.  It doesn’t matter whether we are saved or lost.  It doesn’t matter whether we are severely backslidden or merely fall on occasion.  We will all experience the justice of God.  The thing is, deliverance belongs only to the penitent!  Thinking we are better than another is simply not true.  We are all sinners.  We are all at fault.  Which means we will all receive at the hand of God correction or justice.  But if we want deliverance, repentance and faith are required.  So, the next time someone points out the chastening hand of God in your life, remember, you have deliverance.  Take compassion on the one who has yet to realize he does not!

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