Sunday, September 8, 2019

That Includes You

Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;” (Joh 17:20 AV)

The ‘these alone’ were the disciples Christ had at the time.  Those ‘which shall believe’ are all of us who have trusted Christ since then.  This prayer of our LORD recorded in John chapter seventeen is a precious prayer.  It is all about His relationship and love for those who would trust Him for their soul.  It begins and ends with the very meaning and purpose of salvation. That it, that we might know the God who created us and that He might love us with unending love.  When we consider the statement above, let us consider it in its fullest application.  This prayer was uttered by the Son of God who was and is the fullness of the Godhead bodily.  He possessed all the attributes which He possessed in eternity past.  Even if H chose to limit those attributes, He still possessed them.  Unless otherwise stated, the Son of God exercised those attributes.  One of those attributes is omniscience.  Or, the possession of all knowledge.  There is nothing He does not know.  Therefore, knowing that you and I would trust Him, this prayer above was not limited to a non-descript hypothetical.  All those who would get saved no matter who they might be.  No!  This prayer was uttered by the Son of God who knew before the world began who it would be that would trust Him.  When my Savior prayed this prayer, He knew this prayer would specifically cover me.

Do you ever sit is a place and become a people watcher?  You hear yourself ask questions like:  I wonder how long they have been married or if they are married at all.  Where do they work or what do they do for fun?  How many children do they have and are they still at home?  Where were they born?  Have they always lived in the area?  Then these questions become a bit more intrusive.  What are their fears?  What are they facing right now?  I wonder if they could change anything about their lives, what would it be?  Then, as we people watch, we look upon a face that is not all that encouraging.  We notice there are extra burdens laden in that face.  If we care at all, we begin to pray.  We do not know them.  They do not know us.  They haven’t even noticed we are gazing upon them and contemplating their situation.  They are completely unaware.  Our prayers enter the heart of God.  They may or may not immediately change this person’s disposition.  It may not immediately remove the cares of their lives.  If we address them and tell them we were just praying for them, what would their response be?

To know that someone cares is powerful.  To think that at that moment in time, Jesus had me specifically in mind means a great deal.  It always amazes me when I experience a prayer meeting.  Dozens of people all praying at the same time and God hears each and every one of us individually as though we are the only one speaking to Him.  Jesus Christ knew, before the foundation of the world, who it would be that would trust Him.  He does not take that lightly.  He understands, by living through it, exactly what faith entails.  Limiting Himself as a human being forced Him to trust the Father in many ways as we.  So, He does not take for granted the exercise of faith which His brethren expressed.  His prayer is for you.  His prayer is for me.  Specifically, and with His whole heart.

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