Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Fully Persuaded

And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.” (Ro 4:21 AV)

Paul is making the argument of the faith of Abraham as a model for faith in Christ.  Speaking more specifically of Abraham’s faith that God would honor His promise to provide Isaac as the means of raising decedents in spite of the fact He also asked Abraham to offer Isaac upon an altar.  This level of faith is the level of faith that is required for salvation.  Equally important, this level of faith if the faith that we need to have as we walk with God on a daily basis.

The term ‘..fully persuaded…’ is actually one word in the Greek language.  It comes from two words; the first means the opposite of empty.  Pertaining to the word ‘…fully…’, as empty as something can be, the be ‘…fully…’ would be the exact opposite.  In other words, it can be no fuller than it is.  Filled to excess.  The second word means to have a burden as in wearing clothing as a constant covering which is never shed.  It becomes part of the person.  One is safe and secure within the covering of truth so that no influence of doubt or fear can enter.  No cracks in the armor.  No sunlight to peak through.  Not even the slightest threat to enter.  This type of faith grows the more it is challenged.  It gets stronger as the enemy becomes more aggressive.  This faith is unshakable faith.  It is the faith that faces what the soul cannot normally endure.  It is safe within the confines of unbreakable truth.

The other night, we had a severe thunder storm roll through the area.  It was the worst I have ever experienced.  I do not like violent storms.  Not because I am afraid to die.  I just don’t like the unpredictable having all the control.  But a funny thing happened this time.  As the lightening was striking closer and closer to our home, I felt myself getting giddy.  The power stayed on and the firehouse, which is a mere one hundred yards from my house, never went on a call.  This went on for two hours.  Words cannot express how violent this storm was.  However, after each boom and each dramatic vibration of the house reminded me how safe in the hands of God we truly were.  I didn’t see it as a threat.  I saw it like a bully trying to punch his way through a solid cement wall.  It got rather silly.  As long as the LORD was protecting us, the lightening could just as much hit our home as one three states away.  The result would have been the same. Nothing!  This is the steadfast faith we need for every area of life.  Not just a lightening storm.  Nothing will happen to us that God has not already determined for our benefit.  He is in control.  He never lost control.  Rest in the truth of God’s nature and love.  Roll with the punches because God is the one who ultimately takes them.

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