Friday, September 20, 2019

Needs of the Admonisher

And I myself also am persuaded of you, my brethren, that ye also are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, able also to admonish one another.” (Ro 15:14 AV)

This is an amazing statement considering the correction which Paul issues in chapter eleven and the reason for that correction.  To admonish means,to caution or reprove gently.”  This is not a harsh rebuke or reproof.  The understanding is a correction that is also and encouragement, as opposed to a condemnation.  Paul is stating his confidence they are able to do this even in the midst of cultural differences.  They are able because they have two necessary elements.  These ingredients are goodness and knowledge.  Knowledge is easy to understand.  This is not mere facts in mind.  Rather, the word means, “knowledge, science.”  Science isn’t mere retention of facts.  Rather, it is the understanding of systems, causes, and effects.  To be able to admonish requires more than quoting a verse.  It requires knowing how the principles of the truth at hand applies.  The ability to effectively admonish also requires goodness.  This word means virtue or beneficence.  The interesting thing about this word is the Greek word here is only used four times.  Two of the times it is directly associated with the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the heart of the believer.  Another time it is associated with fulfilling the calling of God by the leading of the Holy Spirit.  So, by inference, we can suggest this goodness is not simple virtue.  Rather, it is the quality of a Spirit led heart and mind for the purpose of ministry towards another.
The reason this strikes me as odd is the problems they seem to be having when it came to which cultural group had more significance and their apparent struggle with Christian liberty as outlined in the previous chapter.  Here’s the thing.  Just because we may struggle in one area of life does not imply that we cannot be spirit led and have knowledge in another.  This is important to remember when we are the one being admonished.  Just because we may have been saved longer than our critic does not mean he lacks wisdom and love to point out a fault.  The other truth of which we can consider is just because we have knowledge and maturity does not mean we are always good about it or correctly expound on the word of God.  Throwing a bible verse at a problem is not admonishment.  The word of God is a book of principles as well as a book of laws.  Admonishment will only work if we can explain the ‘why’.
Paul here shows confidence in a group of people to be able to help one another in their spiritual walk with God and their walk with one another.  Despite the fact they are redeemed sinners, they are capable of learning the word of God and walking in the Spirit.  We need to remember this the next time someone is led to help us with a fault.  Our pride may block it.  But our heart should consider that if we are capable of helping others with their faults, then others are capable to help us with ours.

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