Saturday, September 28, 2019

Power From Powerlessness

For though he was crucified through weakness, yet he liveth by the power of God. For we also are weak in him, but we shall live with him by the power of God toward you.” (2Co 13:4 AV)

The later chapters of Second Corinthians was written by Paul to defend his Apostleship to a church who judged according to superficial standards.  One of those standards was Paul’s bluntness as compared to the eloquence presented by false teachers and prophets.  Another was the seemingly senseless suffering and degradation Paul suffered at the hands of his persecutors.  The reference to which Paul makes of his weakness as stated above might be the thorn in the flesh which was never removed after praying three times for it to be removed.  Perhaps, as some have suggested, Paul suffered sight loss as a result of the stoning at Lystra which nearly took his life.  He comes to churches and must be led about or assisted in some way by those accompanying him.  As carnal Christians are apt to do, they assume Paul did some horrible thing, or is living is some horrible sin which resulted in the chastening hand of God.  In our text, Paul makes the comparison to the death and resurrection of Christ.  As Jesus died and was buried in His state of human weakness, yet rose again glorified in heaven to be the intercessor of His sheep, Paul has been humbled by a thorn, but has resulted in all the more power by the Spirit of God.  We want to look at this from a slightly more personal application on this day which the LORD hath made.
 When we are young, we do not realize just how much it is the power of God that sustains us.  Then something funny happens.  We age.  In the process of aging, we realize just how much the Spirit of God sustains and empowers us to continue in His service.  I have been recently diagnosed with a condition that explains a lot of things going on.  One of those is fatigue.  After tests and treatments from my doctor, I can say that I feel like a completely different person.  Looking back on the last few years, I have to wonder how I made it.  I am also realizing that I now have to approach life completely different.  Life choices, specially diet, has to be looked at in and entirely different way.  Rest and stress have to be managed.  In short, a more disciplined lifestyle is in order.  But there is something else I have learned.  My thorn in the flesh has actually had the opposite effect that would be expected.  By the Spirit of God, I find myself dreaming more and more of what the LORD can do with this infirmed body and mind of mine.  I see hope.  I don’t see obstacles.  Just challenges.  I have also learned that if there is anything good that can come of my life it is solely by the power and presence of God and not of myself.
 Infirmities can be frightening.  They can be confusing.  They can be life changing.  However, in those infirmities, we begin to learn of the power of God in a way that we would never have learned before.  I finished a book recently.  It briefly detailed the lives of men and women who were influential in the history of Christianity.  What struck me was how many suffered from infirmities, yet never let it discourage them from deeper service for Christ.  My infirmity is mild compared to some.  In the coming years it may get a bit more challenging.  I don’t see this as a discouragement.  I really do not.  I see it as an opportunity.  It forces the believer to surrender more and more of what he or she is and places total trust and reliance upon the LORD for guidance and strength.  It is a blessing in disguise.  For a carnal church like Corinth, they saw Paul’s infirmity as a liability.  That just goes to show you how shallow people can be.  Instead, it was the power of God which enables Paul to overcome and use his infirmity for the glory of God that was proof of God’s hand upon him.  Some of the most influential events of my walk with God came at the hands of the infirmed servants of God.  I crippled evangelist, a dwarfed soprano, a deaf pastor, and a wheelchair bound Vietnam vet called to preach had more impact than all the other preachers God sent my way!  There is power in our infirmities.  Welcome them and ask God to overcome them that we might be used of God for the furtherance of His glory!

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