Saturday, September 21, 2019

Not What He Seems

Even unto this present hour we both hunger, and thirst, and are naked, and are buffeted, and have no certain dwellingplace; And labour, working with our own hands: being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we suffer it: Being defamed, we intreat: we are made as the filth of the world, and are the offscouring of all things unto this day.” (1Co 4:11-13 AV)

The more things change, the more they stay the same.  Some in the Corinthian church had a hard time accepting Paul’s authority as an Apostle because of an outward standard.  Their outward standard was a good home, money in the bank, and stature among men.  This carnal way of thinking hasn’t changed all that much.  According to Paul’s testimony above, he often went without life’s basic necessities.  He was not a man of stature, but rather, a man under constant persecution.  A social outcast.  It is amazing how much value people place on an outward standard.  The man of God is often a man in need.  He doesn’t have the best of the best.  He isn’t well respected in the community.  He often goes without because he is not in high demand.  The man of God suffers more than the average.  At least it is not uncommon to see as such.
In context, Paul states the reason for suffering so is for the furtherance of the gospel and that the people in these churches might not have to suffer as they.  He is glad to go about the ministry as God has called him.  He leaves a place far better than he found it.  A church is planted and the gospel brings prosperity to a community.  Yet, there goes the missionary.  Off to a new place.  He doesn’t stick around long enough to enjoy the full fruits of his labor.  He goes to the next place and endures another round of hardships that the gospel might come and benefit a community of sinners.  The real tragedy here is Paul feels the need to defend himself against his critics.  Why?  Are they so superficial and ungrateful that they cannot see the cost paid by Paul and others.
I have been in many churches.  I have served in many areas.  No matter where you go, there are always those who will do despite to the gospel message because of the outward ‘quality’ of the messenger.  There are always those in your church who, according to this world, are far more successful than the man of God who will not accept the ministry of the man of God.  I remember, very early in my Bible education, I worked for a real estate company that had several lawyers.  One was a Jewish lawyer.  He gave me the time of day and would listen to the Bible’s explanation of who Jesus Christ was and is.  Another would have nothing to do with it.  What could a simple janitor know about anything?  After all, he graduated from an Ivory League school and earned six figures.  Truth is the same no matter who is delivering it.  We had better be careful we don’t qualify the message because our own standard rejects the messenger.

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