Saturday, September 7, 2019

No, Never Alone. No, Never Alone.

I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.” (Joh 14:18 AV)

This is quite a promise.  We know the LORD is speaking directly to the promise of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  The comfort that will never leave is the presence of God dwelling within our hearts.  The person of the Holy Spirit resides within the heart and soul of the child of God.  But it is the ministry of the Holy Spirit which we wish to consider this day.  The Greek word for ‘…comfortless…’ means orphaned.  It means bereft of parents.  Without guidance, strength, or instruction.  In short, comfortless here is more then the lack of encouragement.  It means and abandonment.  Without comfort here means without the necessary benefits of a relationship with the LORD.  He will not leave us this way.  Ever!

One of the causes of anxiety is ignorance.  When we are caught in a situation and we do not know how to get out, we feel stress and fear.  Anger can rear its ugly head as we become frustrated with the circumstances of life and oft times, things are out of our control so we feel helpless and a victim.  We feel all alone.  I have found myself in an interesting position lately.  As a pastor, we place ourselves in the position of thinking we have to have a solution for everyone’s problem.  We think we have to have the piece of the puzzle that will make all the pain go away or bring things back to where they need to be.  I have found myself saying the words, “I don’t know what I would do is such a situation” more and more.  I used to think that I had all the answers.  I do not.  We all have things that are unique to us, at least at the time, and others cannot understand what we are going through.

I miss my mother.  She was a very unique and special person.  She had the wisdom to know when she didn’t know and at that moment, give comfort with a mere word of empathy.  She didn’t always try to solve our problems.  But, she did make us feel as though she understood.  What we have in the LORD is more than that.  He knows exactly why things are the way they are, what He is trying to accomplish, and what the end of our trials will be.  My mom has passed away.  Every now and again I wish I could call her on the phone for a simple chat.  I cannot.  But my God will always be there.  He will always give me the way through life.  Things will not get better until eternity is my home.  There will be challenges at each step.  I have a God who will never leave me nor forsake me.  The answers are there.  The guidance will never abandon me.  Like a parent who desires my maturity and success in life, the LORD will come, has come, and will never leave!

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