Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Christ's Prayer for Forgiveness

Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.” (Lu 23:34 AV)

The prayer request of Jesus could be made for any one of us.  He is asking the Father or forego any additional punishment that might have been rightly meted towards those responsible for He death.  This would include the governmental heads, their servants, and the people of Jerusalem who called for Jesus’ death.  One stops and thinks – why not?  The statement made by Christ as for the reason of this forbearance seems a bit stretched.  At least in our way of thinking.  Surely, they knew they called for and executed an innocent man.  Even the thief on the cross knew that Jesus was not guilty of death.  Of what were they ignorant?  And, why is this request applicable to those of us who were not there at the time?

Thank God for His mercy in understanding our limitations.  The people involved may have understood they were putting an innocent person to death.  Jesus wasn’t the only casualty of a wicked Roman government and a complacent Jewish population.  Surely the knew they were guilt of that much.  However, must have been something of which they were unaware because Jesus Himself stated it as such.  What was it?  Could it be they really didn’t understand who Jesus was and why He had to die for their sins?  Could it be they knew not that Christ would rise from the dead?  Could it be they knew not that all they had to do was reject the leadership of Rome and Jesus would have been the Messiah they were expecting?  There could be one way in which we might apply this truth to our own hearts.

We are all guilty of the blood of Christ in the perspective of Him being our Lamb as well.  Jesus Christ did not die just for Israel at the time of His incarnation.  He died on that Cross that He might be the propitiation, or satisfaction, for all the sin of mankind.  That includes us.  I can tell you one thing that I knew not.  I didn’t realize the depth of my sin and the size of accounts for which Jesus died.  Not until after salvation when reading the word of God became a regular practice did I realize just what His sacrifice meant.  Reading the Old Testament law and the book of Proverbs will put anyone down.  Even the most self-righteous of us all cannot escape a scathing rebuke when reading the law.  All which I was guilty of, and will be guilty of, sent Jesus to that cross.  What I knew not was how truly wicked I was.  And am!  Sure, one must acknowledge one’s own sinfulness and repent of it at the point of salvation.  But we know not exactly the depth of what that means until the ministry of the Holy Spirit takes residence in our hearts and minds.  I, for one, am eternally grateful for this prayer of my Savior. I didn’t know.  Even though culpable, the mercy of the Father forgave my sin.  All of it.  Praise be to God.

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