Friday, September 6, 2019

Silent Friendship

Then Jesus six days before the passover came to Bethany, where Lazarus was which had been dead, whom he raised from the dead.” (Joh 12:1 AV)

There were six days before Jesus Christ would hang on the cross as Calvary.  There were many with whom He could have chosen to keep company.  He could have returned home to be with his mother.  He could have gotten a private place to enjoy the fellowship he would have with his disciples.  He could have continued His ministry on His way to Jerusalem, making new converts and enjoying the loyalty that would come from it.  However, when the LORD needed a time of comfort and fellowship prior to a major and tragic experience of life, he went to Lazarus.  The man who was risen from the dead just a short while ago now hosted a meal with his Savior and his own family.  Lazarus was a new convert.  He was naive to all that would transpire.  He was simple joy and innocence sitting at the table with Jesus pleased a punch to be a blessing to the LORD.  He didn’t need a thing.  He was not overwhelmed with what was about to happen.  His life was simple.  It was new.  It was full of hope.

The ministry of the fellowship of friendship of under rated.  This ministry is one which we all need.  We need the friendship of someone who is not going to bring up what we are going through as a means of helping us solve our situation.  The friendship of no talking.  Intimacy here is accomplished by the attitude of understanding partnered with respect of privacy.  Men know all about this.  Two friends could go out fishing.  After eight hours on the water, their total conversation could be written on a napkin.  The gentler gender may find fault with this because they believe we are not in touch with our feelings.  But that is just it. We don’t need to be.  We know our friend either understands what we are going through and empathizes without saying anything, or does not know what we are going through and asking about it is seen as an intrusion.  Knowing that someone cares and they are not going to let our situation effect their faith is all that we truly need.  The friendship of empathy is one that is more valuable than words can express.

Years ago, I had a good friend with whom I spent a great deal of time.  He was not in the ministry.  I was.  What made this friendship so close to me was he never asked me of anything ministry related.  He avoided gossip at all costs.  When we spent time together, we were accomplishing a mutual goal.  It wasn’t for the purpose of sharing our feelings.  We didn’t need to.  He has issues in his life which he was dealing with, and I had mine.  We both had enough wisdom that we didn’t need the other’s wisdom.  We simple enjoyed the company as two soldiers fighting the fight of faith, each having their own set of wounds, yet wanting to take their minds and hearts off of them for a bit.  This friendship is more valuable than all the gold in the world.  No problems to solve.  No wisdom to impart.  No focus on what is about to happen or the mess which we might forced into.  Just a moment away from it all with someone who doesn’t have a clue as to what we might be facing is a therapeutic friendship which we all need.  The question really is two-fold.  Do we have those kinds of friends, and, can we be that kind of friend?

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