Friday, August 16, 2019

The Eternal Message

From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Mt 4:17 AV)

This is an interesting verse.  In particular because we know that Jesus had preached for a year before this fact is relayed.  In fact, his ministry up to this point occurs in John chapter four.  His preaching to the woman at the well and the wedding of Cana all occurred before the statement.  So, this begs the question.  Why state that from this time Jesus began to preach?  He was preaching for a year before this time.  Another fact of interest is this message was John’s message.  The Baptizer proclaimed this from the banks of Jordan.  When this statement was made, the Baptizer was in prison and Jesus Christ had just fulfilled His time of testing at the hands of Satan.  What we see here is a focus of the message.  A declaration of all that will define His miracles.  Repentance from sin and faith in Jesus as their Messiah is the only message that mattered and all other statements Jesus made was in the context of this first statement of public ministry.  Repentance from sin and salvation in Christ.

There are many lessons one can learn as one gets older.  One of those lessons is the value of new life.  What I mean by this is there is different feeling when one is a new parent verses experiencing this event by the eyes of another.  I can remember when each of my sons were born.  Particularly the first born.  That day is one of the clearest in my memory.  I have been there for the birth of all my grandchildren.  These memories, even though they are more recent, are not as vivid.  I imagine when my great grandchildren are born, even less will be remembered.  Life seems to take over and those things which should hold the dearest of all emotions seem to be a bit more common.  This reminds me of the growth pattern of a church.  When it first starts, salvation is the main thing.  As those who initially were saved mature and grow, more practical truths for temporal concerns begins to take over the attention and goals of those who have gotten saved.  Salvation seems to be tagged on a bit later.  Like the preaching from our pulpits, salvation is added on as to be responsible to our calling rather than the main passion to what we should be doing.

In our passage, the was after His testing and the imprisonment of John that Jesus determined the main message of His earthly ministry was repentance and faith.  It always has been about this!  Having a godly home is wonderful.  But if our children and grandchildren never come to Christ, it was for naught.  Having a very special marriage is a blessing beyond words.  But if the LORD cannot use this couple to reach others for Christ, it becomes self-centered.  From this time forward, the message of Christ was to repent.  He healed the blind, lame, and dumb that He might have the credibility to proclaim repentance and faith.  Jesus raised the dead from the grave that He might declare repentance from sin and faith in Himself.  This has been the message from the moment Adam and Eve fell.  It will continue to be until the new heaven and earth are created.  Repentance is Christ’s main message and it should be the church’s as well.

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