Sunday, August 11, 2019

An Unfortunate Fact of Life

And I am very sore displeased with the heathen that are at ease: for I was but a little displeased, and they helped forward the affliction.” (Zec 1:15 AV)

God has and does allow the actions of the heathen to act as a chastening to the people of God.  And we deserve it.  In Israel’s case, they had neglected the Sabbath for over 400 years.  They had gone after other gods.  They has slipped into a state of complete immorality.  They risked tainting the blood of the Hebrew so the Messiah could not come.  Therefore, the LORD removed His hand of protection and allowed both Assyria and Babylon to take the nation away into captivity.  God was displeased with Israel and Judah.  Therefore, the heathen became the hand of God to chasten His people.  However, the heathen went further than the LORD intended.  They helped forward the affliction.  Yes, the LORD permitted it.  But He also judged it. 

I was bullied quite a bit in my elementary and secondary school years.  It probably started in about the fourth or fifth grade and didn’t stop until my parents enrolled me into a different high school.  The affliction was unbearable at times.  Gym class, in particular, was a nightmare.  The cruel of heart can be very cruel.  This is the nature of the world.  They are not kind.  As much as they think they are, they really are not.  The proverbial “kick me when I am down” attitude is pervasive.  It is not enough they see the child of God chastened; they have to add their own two sense to the matter.  Years ago, I had an acquaintance who was saved, yet severely backslidden.  He got caught up in drugs.  He had an accident that left him in the hospital with an apparatus screwed to his skull.  I remember observing the difference between those who loved him and wanted him to get right with God and those who sat in judgment, often hurling insults or statements of hopelessness his way.  It wasn’t enough he sat in bed unable to move his head, threatened by the possibility of death.  Without the ability to pay his bills, he care became a bit less attentive.  Even those who professed Christ but who were obviously not walking with God supposed to add to the affliction.  This is the way of life. 

Until the LORD returns, the enemies of the Cross will always treat us worse than we deserve.  There is coming a day when the scales will be even.  Yes, we are not perfect and stand in need of God’s correcting hand more often than we care to admit.  It is part and parcel of being a child of God.  Just as our earthly fathers corrected us for our own good, so too must our Heavenly Father.  This is part of the spiritual experience of all of God’s children.  What the world does not seem to understand is God’s authority in the matter.  Even if they are the means to bring that correction, that does not excuse taking the correction to a level which the LORD did not intend.  God will deal with it.  In the meantime, we have to get used to the fact that life is not fair.  They will forward the affliction.  At least for the time being.  But the LORD will make it right.  This is a promise.

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