Thursday, August 22, 2019

Mary's Memorial

For in that she hath poured this ointment on my body, she did it for my burial. Verily I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, there shall also this, that this woman hath done, be told for a memorial of her.” (Mt 26:12-13 AV)

The memorial is the entry of what this lady of faith did.  Most assume this is Mary, sister of Lazarus.  If that is the case, then what she did was even more remarkable.  For her to anoint the feet of Jesus for burial means she was the first to resign to the eventual sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross.  She was the first to understand and accept it.  The other disciples, and Peter in particular, refused to entertain the reality that Christ would soon die an be taken from them.  They didn’t want to believe it.  Peter even discouraged it.  But Mary was willing to accept the inevitable, signifying as such by an offering of faith and surrender.  This is why this act is so special and why the LORD insists it be recorded in the word of God for all time.

Faith is under preached. At least the utter importance of it.  Surrender is rarely preached.  What we want today is a three-step practical solution to our problems.  We want the next self-help book to come out.  In reality, faith and surrender are the cornerstones of the Christian walk.  We can read all the self-help books we want, but if we are not surrendered by faith the God’s will in all things, we may conquer our temporary struggle, but it will either return, or a greater one will take its place.  Paul tells us in the book of Hebrews that it is impossible to please God without faith.  Faith is what separates human beings from the angelic race.  We can exercise faith.  They cannot.  According the Jesus’ definition of discipleship, surrender it the key.  Denying self is a surrender.  One cannot take up his cross or follow Christ without first surrendering.  A majority of our problems could be solved or endured if we just surrender and trust.

Mary could have reacted like all the others.  While at the feet of Jesus, anointing His feet for burial, Mary could have begged Jesus to change His mind.  Her tears were a manifestation of the resignation to what was about to happen.  She wept because she knew what was about to happen and the necessity of it.  Her simple act of faith and surrender may just have been the attitude when made her one of the first of all converts.  Even before the disciples who struggled with the coming death of their LORD, this lady knew what was about to happen, why it was about to happen, and accepted this truth.  Her simple act of resignation and faith is one that will be spoken of for all of eternity and is the example to all who profess Christ.  Surrender and faith is the only building blocks upon which a walk with God can be built.  Giving in and believing God’s word is the essence of what Christ died for us.  This Mary knew.  This Mary practiced.  This is what we need to be.

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