Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Inside-Out and Outside-In

Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.” (Mt 23:26 AV)

Verses like this one have been used to wage arguments for and against standards of separation among fundamental Baptists for generations.  Those who wish to exercise their liberty free from moral standards of separation stress the idea found in this verse that the inside is important.  However, they tend to stress the inside to the exclusion of the outside.  Those ministries whose objective is a mere outside conformity so as to avoid embarrassment among others of like faith tend to stress the outside as more important than the inside.  This was the problem with the Pharisees.  They had the outward man well disciplined into separation and religious duty.  Those things which could be seen of men were tended to with a regimental discipline worthy of the greatest army on earth.  However, the inward man was left to himself.  Those who recognize this tend to blame the standard as the problem.  But it is not.  It is the lack of equal concern for the inward as there was for the outward.  A lack of balance was missing.

There was this old boy scout trick my father taught us that made clean-up much easier after a meal was prepared on an open campfire.  As anyone who has camped knows, the smoke from an open fire can adhere to a pot or pan in a way that makes gorilla glue look like sap.  If there are any pits or dents in said pan or pot, it is virtually impossible to clean the cooked-on carbon from it.  So, to solve the problem, my father had us smear a thick layer of soap on the exterior of the pot or pan before we placed it on the fire.  When clean-up time came, dipping the pan in water dissolved the soap alone with the carbon that had baked on.  Looking from the outside one would think the cookware was clean.  But one would be wrong.  The inside needed to be cleaned as well.  Conversely, of the inside was scrubbed free from residue, the outside still remained caked with carbon.  A truly clean vessel was clean on the inside and outside.  If the baked-on soap was not fully cleaned, it could leach into the food the next time it was used.  If the inside was not cleaned, then it would mar the next prepared meal.  Both had to be cleaned. 

The same is true of the sinner and saint.  Let’s put it right out there.  Separation is both necessary and expected.  Stop complaining about the encroachment on your liberty.  Take up the cross and bear it!  Wear modest, appropriate, and gender specific attire.  Look like a Christian who can be defined as such by a simple glance as opposed to an inquisition.  Jesus surrendered His liberty and hung on a cross.  The least we can do for Him is walk worthy of the vocation wherein we are called.  However, don’t for a moment think that conformity on the outside makes one a disciple on the inside.  The heart and flesh are equally in need of discipline.  This is what the LORD is trying to tell us.  He did not come to destroy the law.  He came to fulfill it.  So, let us stop complaining about the law.  It is what Jesus would have done!  And did!  At the same time, let us consider the sermon on the mount.  A standard of the law that went deeper than the outward man.  It went to the heart.  Work on both and the LORD will realize glory from our lives.

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