Saturday, August 24, 2019

Obedience for Pleasure Not Enough

For Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just man and an holy, and observed him; and when he heard him, he did many things, and heard him gladly.” (Mr 6:20 AV)

Yet, when he was pleased at the dancing of his step-daughter and she asked for John’s head on a charger, he didn’t hesitate.  How is it that someone who feared John as a prophet, heard his word, did many of the things which John preached of, and was happy to hear the word of God come to a place where he imprisoned the man of God and eventually beheaded him?  How is it that someone can have respect for the word of God yet turn around and violate it in such and obvious and wicked way?  What would possess a person to honor the word of God and the man of God in many things, but when it comes to a major choice, all of a sudden, he has little to no integrity?  Beheading John was not Herod’s first major transgression.  Herod married his brother Philip’s wife.  This is the issue of which John rebuked Herod.  John rightly stated Herod should put away his sister-in-law and remain unmarried because it was not lawful to have his brother’s wife.  This is what got him thrown into jail.  Offense over the message is what caused John to lose his head when the mother of our dancer asked for John’s life.  Two hideous crimes, but still a man who feared the prophet, heard his preaching gladly, and obeyed much of it.

I find a trend that is alarming.  In today’s modern church we see many Herods.  They enjoy the preaching.  They come faithfully.  They contribute what they can.  But when it comes to major parts of their walks with God, personal liberty is more important.  We are not talking about issues of separation.  We are talking about issues of morality.  Choices that would result in discipline from God’s house.  There seems to be no conscience regarding the weightier matters of the law.  Rather, the blessings of a Christian faith are sought and enjoyed while ignoring major issues of sin.  This was exactly what contributed to the downfall of Israel.  They observed those parts of the law which brought them pleasure.  But those parts of the law which relieved them of pleasure were ignored.  Observation of the Sabbath being the major failure.

If our churches are filling with professing saints who practice their faith in ways that please themselves rather than God, there will be major issues of sin.  This was Corinth.  This was Laodicea.  This is today.  For Herod to hear the word of God gladly, obey it to a point, and fear the man of God is commendable.  But then to have the moral failure to marry one’s own sister-in-law while his brother is still alive and murder the prophet for telling the truth is going beyond rebellion.  To hear the preacher gladly and follow most of what he says, but then turn around and criticize because he states the obvious flaws in our character is the equivalent.  This is a dangerous place to be.  To pick and choose obedience to the word of God only when it pleases us will eventually lead to choices that are far more sinful than we would at first believe we were capable of.  Herod could live with a calloused conscience in his marriage to Philip’s wife.  Taking the life of John bothered him a bit.  But not enough to do it.  We walk a tenuous line if our obedience is only seen through the lens of pleasure.

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