Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Pilgrims in Perfection

This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.” (Zec 14:19 AV)

At first glance, this may seem a bit odd.  This passage is a millennial passage.  The feast that will be kept at New Jerusalem while the Messiah sits upon His throne is the feast of tabernacles.  This feast was a seven day memorial to the wilderness wanderings of the nation of Israel when they fled from Egypt.  They were to gather at Jerusalem and live in huts built for that purpose.  They were to offer burnt offerings during those seven days and one the eight day was a deep day of solemnity towards the LORD.  This was also the feast that followed the final harvest of the year.  This feast ended with the solemn assembly.  What is odd about this feast being part of the millennial reign is the wilderness wanderings are finally over.  The millennial reign has come and Israel is finally in their land with their King!  Why commemorate a time that will never be repeated?  Why make a feast when the promise has finally arrived?

I am no world traveler by any stretch of the imagination.  But I have seen a very small slice of the world.  Visiting over half of the states of our nation, it has been a blessing to see a few things.  Having lived in three of the five major cultural demographics, it has been a pleasure to experience different cultures.  Having traveled out of country to three different places, it has been a wonderful experience.  Compared to some, this may not have been all that stimulating.  Others, who barely go beyond the borders of their county may think me a person of worldly experience.  All that we have experienced will never compare to the glory that awaits.  There are a few other things I would love to see before the LORD calls me home.  I would love to see real mountains.  Glaciers would be a wonderful thing to behold.  The Grand Canyon would be a sight greatly appreciated.  Perhaps the Alps.  The badlands would be another spot worthy of a trip.  As much as all those things show forth the glory of God, nothing will compare to the new heavens and new earth which will be created in true righteousness. 

Perhaps this is the point of the feast of tabernacles during the reign of the King of Kings.  The millennial reign will exist in the midst of a fallen world.  It will still bear the scars of man’s sin upon it.  Creation has been marred by the wickedness of mankind and not until the LORD recreates it all will we truly realize what awaits those who love the LORD.  The rest is not here.  Not even when the LORD reigns.  It will be as near perfect as it can be, but will not be completely perfect.  Therefore, remember that no matter how good life might be, we are just passing through.  Perhaps this is why the feast of tabernacles will be observed all over again.  A reminder this life is temporary.  There awaits a better glory than the one which the LORD will rule on this side of heaven.  Life is good.  But it cannot be compared to what the LORD has in store for those who love Him.

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