Friday, August 2, 2019

Cleansed Forever

For I will cleanse their blood that I have not cleansed: for the LORD dwelleth in Zion.” (Joe 3:21 AV)

The word ‘cleanse’ here does not refer to a physical cleansing from dirt or a ceremonial cleansing from sin.  The context is judgment upon Egypt and Edom, Israel’s closest neighbors.  The previous verse tells us that when Egypt and Edom are dealt with, then Israel can dwell in the land from generation to generation without any interruption.  Only when these two adversaries of Israel are dealt with can Israel finally enjoy the covenant promises.  As is often taught, Egypt is a type of the world.  Edom, which is also Esau and Mount Seir, is often representative of the flesh.  If these types are true, then a picture develops here of a promise to the saints of God.  When the flesh and world are finally dealt a blow, the saint can live in peace with the God who saved his or her soul.  Not until the death of these two enemies can the saint truly have peace.  What we have in different from the physical covenants to Israel.  What we have is the promise of heaven.  All those who have placed their trust in Jesus for salvation from sin and hell know that eventually, these enemies will be defeated.  Cleansing the blood is vindication from enemies.  The blood is the blood of persecution and torment.  The last remaining hindrance from perfect fellowship with our Savior.

Years ago, I had the privilege of ministry with an individual whose kidneys were failing.  This person had to have dialysis three times a week.  She didn’t care for it because it wore her out and it took almost the better part of an entire day.  What helped her through it was looking forward to how she would feel after recovering from the procedure or how she would feel if she neglected the procedure.  For those who do not know, the kidneys act as a filter for the blood.  They filter out impurities from the blood.  This has to be done on a very regular basis or the patient will die.  I remember there were a few times this individual was not feeling up to going for dialysis.  She either had a flue or cold, or simply was too wore out to go.  The problem was, if she put it off, even for a day, the feelings of illness only got worse.  And, since her kidneys were not healthy to begin with, she really never felt what it was like to have totally clean blood.  She never knew what being well was like.  Always in a constant state of illness, fighting off infection, having several transplants, she eventually passed away because her blood could never be truly cleansed.  Today, she is in glory with a perfect body with no poison coursing through her system.  What an experience she must be having.  And, what a picture of our glorification!

What a day that will be when all temptation to sin is removed!  There is a promise.  The physical promises to Israel concerning a kingdom are similar to the promises made to the believer!  There is coming a day when the last of our trials will be over.  Dialysis will no longer be needed.  The blood will be clean and stay clean.  No more impurities from the world or the flesh can invade our souls.  They are all cleansed.  They are all removed.  Forever gone!  Glory Alleluia!  Our Savior, the great Victor, has overcome sin, the grave, and death!  We shall be like Him for we shall see Him as He is!  No more filth.  No more scum.  No more dirt.  No more grime.  No more of that which clings to us and in use that makes us unclean.  Forever vanquished by death and glorification because God dwells in Zion!  He dwells in the Zion of our hearts and souls!  He will clean it all up!

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