Thursday, August 1, 2019

The Beauty of Surrender

Ephraim shall say, What have I to do any more with idols? I have heard him, and observed him: I am like a green fir tree. From me is thy fruit found.” (Ho 14:8 AV)

God knows what it takes to get us to the point where we are ready to abandon all that displeases Him.  What we want to consider is not necessarily those means, but rather, the result.  In the previous chapters, the prophet is pronouncing judgment upon the ten northern tribes also known as Ephraim.  In particular, the thought is the inescapability of those judgments.  The truth that no matter what Ephraim attempts to do, she cannot avoid the LORD’s hand.  He will correct her.  The result is found above and is actually a beautiful statement of surrender.

The soul that makes is right with God, first and foremost, finds no profit running from Him.  The question, “what have I to do any more with idols” is more of a statement than a question.  Ephraim will realize that life outside of the center of God’s perfect will is empty.  There is nothing life outside of God’s will can give that is of any real value.  The second step of surrender is to give God one’s fullest attention.  To open one’s ears and eyes.  To hear what the LORD is trying to tell us and then watch as He does His work.  In other words, our lives become about Him and not about us.  We are God centered and not self-centered.  Note especially the writer uses the word ‘observed’.  Not merely saw, but observed.  This surrendered Ephraim will watch and learn.  She will take in the full experience of God’s hand.  All of it.  She will take note of what He is doing, why He is doing it, and what her obligation is towards it.  She will observe and learn.  She will react in gratitude towards who and what God is. Thirdly, Ephraim states that she is like a tender plant.  One that can grow again.  One that is responsive to the care of the husbandman who will nourish her, prune her, and stake her up.  This picture is of a nation who has learned that life apart from God comes to no good end.  She has learned that God is always good and to live apart from Him and His word only leads to emptiness.

Years ago, we had been praying for a teenage girl who was going down the wrong path.  Her parents were deeply concerned for her.  We all prayed for her individually and as a church.  If something did not happen, she was poised to make major decisions that would devastate her life.  Then it happened.  One Sunday morning, when the invitation was given, her and her mother came forward.  The knelt at the altar and this young lady recommitted her life to Christ.  The church wept and rejoiced.  Hugs all around.  Outside of a decision to truth Christ as Savior, I cannot think of another that is equally beautiful.  Total surrender is a picture more precious than any words can describe.  A state at which the LORD desires all of His children to arrive.

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