Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Non-Stop Gratitude

And with them Heman and Jeduthun, and the rest that were chosen, who were expressed by name, to give thanks to the LORD, because his mercy endureth for ever;” (1Ch 16:41 AV)

These Levites were assigned to do nothing more or less than sing songs and hymns of gratitude for one and one divine attribute only.  That of mercy.  They were not to sing of God’s provision.  They were not to sing of God’s omnipotence.  They were not to sing of God’s omniscience nor His justice.  They were only to sing that which pertained to the exercise of divine mercy.  In fact, the phrase “…his mercy endureth for ever…” is a repeated phrase in Psalm 136.  This phrase is repeated in every verse after an event or exercise of the divine will.  The Psalm couches all that God does or is towards mankind as an act of mercy.

Life can bring some times of deep distress.  Times that we were not planning on.  Time of financial disaster, failing health, family issues, etc.  Life can also bring with it wonderful times as well.  The birth of your children; their salvation and baptisms; marriage; a wonderful church family.  No matter what the LORD allows or causes, His mercy is always behind it.  Because it is, thankfulness should be the result.  This is what we want to meditate upon this beautiful morning.  Even if life is not as we wish or fears loom for the future, we need to be thankful.  Even if we have a sick child or grandchild, we need to be thankful.  Even if we have had to say goodbye to a dear loved one, we need to be thankful.  Even if we had hoped life would be a bit different, we need to be thankful.  Why?  Because God is a merciful God.

Anything God does or allows is more than we deserve.  If our lives take a course that we didn’t expect, then God must have a plan for it and it is for our own good.  He mercy is the strength though the hard time.  His mercy is the comfort through the self-abasing times.  His mercy is the light at the end of a proverbial dark tunnel.  The hope of the hopeless.  The joy of the redeemed.  God’s mercy is, perhaps, one of His most important and blessed moral attributes.  It is by God’s mercy we exist.  It is by God’s mercy we enjoy life.  It is by His mercy we shall enter into glory.

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