Monday, April 22, 2019

Bless The Willing

And the people blessed all the men, that willingly offered themselves to dwell at Jerusalem.” (Ne 11:2 AV)

Once the walls of Jerusalem went up, there needed to be a population there for protection and administration.  What the people did was cast lots and those chosen would have to surrender their inheritance to near kinsmen who would work that inheritance for them while they lived in the city of Jerusalem.  This was a lifelong calling.  This wasn’t a temporary assignment.  These few would be selected to give up a bit of their liberty for the sake of God’s city.  These few would not be able to chase a dream, build a home, raise their cattle, or see their extended families on a regular basis.  In a way, they were missionaries to the city of Jerusalem.

What we want to dwell upon this morning is recognizing those we are chosen to make such a sacrifice.  There are many who have given up what others take for granted so others can have that which the LORD has supplied.  It doesn’t matter if we are talking about the military, public service, or Christian service, there are those who give up a portion of liberty and cast aside future dreams for the benefit of others.  The others are hard pressed to empathize and appreciate such sacrifice.  There are Christian workers who cannot afford those things that others so easily acquire, or enjoy.  A simple vacation, a memory packed holiday, or a vehicle that will not break down may be a simple thing to some, but to others, a luxury.  The Christian worker doesn’t have the liberty to dream of possibilities.  If one thing doesn’t work out, he cannot go to another.  He and his family are surrendered for the duration and their life’s path is determined by a sovereign hand rather than their hopes and dreams.

Note that the people above blessed those who were willing to surrender what the others would enjoy.  They blessed them.  They recognized the sacrifice of liberty and self-determination.  What follows in this ninth chapter of Nehemiah is the list of those men who surrendered to this calling.  For all of eternity they will be remembered as doing without what others take for granted.  Let me say just one thing.  I have seen the man of God suffer undo hardships that he should not have to suffer.  I have seen carnal Christians treat the man of God with disrespect, false accusation, and out and out adversarial confrontation.  Just remember, he may not be perfect, but he is willing to surrender a portion of life that the people do not.  And because of that fact alone, he should be blessed.

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