Tuesday, April 30, 2019

First and Foremost, A God of Mercy and Grace

Will he plead against me with his great power? No; but he would put strength in me.” (Job 23:6 AV)

It is now become necessary for Job to be his own comforter.  Which may have been by design anyway.  The three friends can do nothing but accuse and insult.  This changes Job’s disposition from feeling sorry for himself to encouraging himself in the LORD.  He knows that he has done nothing to directly cause the situation.  He realizes God is not chastening him for sins of the past, the present, or potential sins of the future.  Those who came to be an encouragement turn out to be just the opposite.  The truth above is a profound one.  To put it in our day’s language, God will not kick us when we are down.  He will pick us up and be that shoulder upon which we can lean.  It is important to remember this.

We underestimate the sustaining mercy and grace of God.  Raised in a religion that stressed an angry and just God, it is easy to forget that God is a God of mercy and grace.  It is easy to forget that God is not always displeased with our choices.  He does not sit up there like my teachers of grade school, pacing the floors of heaven striking a ruler or pointer into his hand just looking for someone to whack with it.  He is not an impatient Father seeking an opportunity for stern correction.  When we are in a low place, He is not there to make sure we get lower.  Job, correctly states that God will not use His omnipotence to continue to pound away at Job.  He knows this trial is not chastisement.  Therefore, he knows this trial will only go insofar as he can endure it with the power of God.  He knows that the same strength that brought him to the point is greater to bring him out.

Let us not forget that God is a God of grace and mercy.  When He does allow these things, remember 1Cor 10:13.  “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.”  We may not feel this truth at the time of our deep distress, but the truth does not change nonetheless.  God will not abandon you.  The LORD will have mercy and compassion.  We have to believe this!  It is our salvation and our guiding light to endure through the hardships of this life.  He will strengthen you!  The word of God promises.

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