Friday, April 12, 2019

All We Need Is Leadership

And Jehoiada made a covenant between him, and between all the people, and between the king, that they should be the LORD’S people.” (2Ch 23:16 AV)

It didn’t take much for the people and the king to do the right thing.  Athaliah, daughter of Jezebel and mother of Joash sat on the throne for six years after Jehu killed her husband.  She went so far as to have all her male children killed so that she could reign.  However, she missed the youngest.  After six years and on the seventh year, God raised up a priest who had enough courage and faith to do the right thing.  What is interesting is his efforts didn’t require a whole lot of teeth pulling.  The people and the young eight-year-old king were more than happy to follow the direction of this zealous king.  It was in their heart to depose this illegal and immoral Queen.  It was in their heart to clean out the baal worshippers.  It was in their heart to enthrone a son of David.  All they needed was a man who would have enough zeal, courage, faith, and integrity to do the right thing.

As we meditate upon this truth, I cannot help but think of the state of our churches and nation.  Deep down inside, we are a God-fearing culture.  This nation was established for the purpose of freedom of conscious based upon the truths of God’s word.  This is what we are foundationally.  Our churches were at one time established on the foundation of truth.  Not on the foundation of an emotional experience.  Our preachers used to throw all fear to the wind and preach the truth of God’s word no matter what the cost.  I read an article just this morning of a survey done by the Barna group.  They discovered that a majority of ministers today avoid controversial subjects for fear of losing attenders.  What a shame.  As a result, worship is more about an emotional experience centered in ungodly music as opposed to solid Bible preaching.  Preaching against sin has been abandoned for a more people friendly motivational speaking.  As a result, there are short term results yet with long term loses.

We need men like Jehoiada the priest who can see that deep down inside, this nation and our churches desperately need revival.  We are praying for it.  But how many of us have the faith, courage, and integrity to be a part of that revival?  We want to see more salvations.  But how many of us are willing to tell a lost and dying world they are hopeless wicked sinners in need of God’s mercy?  We want revival, but how many leaders are willing to say the hard things.  That Homosexuality is an abomination.  That living together out of wedlock is fornication.  That drinking alcohol is forbidden.  That worldly amusements are contrary to a walk with God.  We know all these things.  We just need leaders who are willing to say them!

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