Wednesday, April 3, 2019

No Means Yes

Now after this it came to pass, that David smote the Philistines, and subdued them, and took Gath and her towns out of the hand of the Philistines.” (1Ch 18:1 AV)

The ‘after this’ is the visit David received of Nathan.  The visit that bore the news that David, although his desire to build the temple was a noble one, would be declined.  The LORD would not allow David to build the temple, but rather, leave it to his son, Solomon to complete.  David could prepare the materials.  He could draw up plans.  He could assemble the units in storage.  What he could not do was to put it all together.  The result was David’s focus on his calling was sharpened.  He was not allowed to pursue a passion because God had a different call on his life.  David was a fighter.  Not a builder.

We all have dreams.  We all have aspirations that we wish we could do.  However, pursuing those dreams would compromise the responsibilities which lay before us.  Every parent knows there comes a time when their dreams or desires come at the cost of raising a family.  At first, a parent may resent the lack of freedom that responsibility demands.  Over time, however, he or she learns the responsibility comes with its own rewards that far exceed the dreams they once had.  Eventually, if fully surrendered to, the responsibilities and blessings derived thereof make of the dream a distant memory or even forgotten.

God has created us for a purpose.  Or, should I say, multiple purposes.  He has created us to be a loving spouse.  He has created us to be a godly parent.  He has created us to be a faithful employee and citizen.  Most of all, He has created us to be a child of God, walking in obedience to His word.  We may have dreams and aspirations that run contrary to those callings.  They may be noble.  But they may not be for us.  Surrendering one’s purpose to the plan of God gives us focus, zeal, and eventually blessings.  Maybe your dream is a good dream.  Maybe your dream is a noble cause.  But is it what the LORD would have you to do right now?

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