Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Is There Anybody Out There?

Who is there among you of all his people? his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and build the house of the LORD God of Israel, (he is the God,) which is in Jerusalem.” (Ezr 1:3 AV)

What a question!  For seventy years, the people of Israel have been in captivity to the Babylonians.  Now, the king of the Medes and Persians, Cyrus by name, has decreed that the Jews may return to Jerusalem and rebuild their temple.  A great and wondrous opportunity.  Yet, fraught with challenges that would not be there if they stayed behind.  How are they going to eat for the first year without a crop to harvest?  The LORD was not going to be with them as He had been with their forefathers when they traveled from Egypt to Canaan.  No pillar of cloud or fire.  No manna from heaven.  No water out of a rock.  All their needs would have to be met by their efforts along side of God’s grace.  The question still hangs there in the air.  Who is there among you of all His people?  Who is willing to go?  Who is willing to step out on faith and obey the LORD?  Who among you is willing to trust the LORD and build for the glory of God?

Here at Southside Baptist Church of West Allis, WI, we have just concluded our first Grace Purpose Missions Conference.  We are still rejoicing at what the LORD has done for us. Our missions spending will increase by a factor of %200.  The actual numbers may not impress most.  We are a rather small work.  When looking at the percentages per capita, God has been, as always, good to us!  There is one sacrifice which was not realized this time around.  At least not that we are aware of.  No one came forward to surrender to full-time Christian service.  That doesn’t mean the seeds were not planted.  Perhaps we will see continued fruit from this Conference that goes even beyond what we hoped or thought.  Herein we find our application.

Having a son and daughter-in-law that have surrendered and are not on the mission field of Brazil has given me a new found appreciation for what our missionaries endure for the glory of our Savior.  Loneliness is perhaps the largest villain of all.  Our missionaries need our prayers.  Our missionaries need our social media contact.  Our missionaries need a touch from home almost every day so they are not suffering needlessly for the gospel of Christ.  The question really is:  Who is there among the people of God willing to live by faith and take risks for the glory of God.  Perhaps it is not the mission field.  Maybe all which the LORD is asking is to be a more consist ant and aggressive soul-winner.  Maybe it’s stepping out and teaching a class.  Maybe it’s giving of oneself to participate in a building project.  Who knows?  But the question still hangs there.  Will you be among God’s people?

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