Thursday, June 1, 2017

Simple Pleasures of Obedience

“I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies, as [much as] in all riches.” (Ps 119:14 AV)

Have a few questions.  What would be more pleasurable; working voluntary overtime on Sunday or going to church?  Would it be more joy to give to a missionary or buying something one desires but really doesn’t need?  Would it be more joy to buy four or five really nice Bibles to give to new converts or to buy the newest tool for our shop?  Would it be more joyful to sell an item for its actual worth or try to take someone for as much as you can?  Would it be more pleasurable to spend non-working hours in service to the LORD or a hobby or other leisure activity?

David felt obedience to the word was more of a personal pleasure than all the riches the world could give him.  To always tell the truth and not bear false witness was far more fulfilling than a brand-new car.  Honoring one’s wife was for better than getting a new one.  Walking in integrity allows one to sleep at night whereas personal gain may not.

David uses the phrase “…in all riches” for a reason.  He never will have all riches.  Therefore, obedience to the Word of God is the greatest joy he could ever have.  It may take a life-time to realize this truth, but it is absolute.  The older I get and the more stuff I accrue, the more I agree with David.  My wife and I are down-sizing.  We are soon to be true empty nesters and we came to realize just how much stuff we have which we really do not need (or even want).  We are not rich by any means.  Compared to most, we are on the low end of middle class.  Almost everything we have was giving to us.  Most, second hand.  But we have filled up the dumpster three times over throwing away what we no longer want or need.  What we cannot throw away are all the mistakes we have made because of disobedience.  Even though God has forgiven them all, they still happened.  And there have been consequences.  Life teaches you what is precious and what will eventually become landfill.  Too bad we cannot learn this sooner than later.

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