Friday, June 23, 2017

Truly Blessed

“How fair is thy love, my sister, [my] spouse! how much better is thy love than wine! and the smell of thine ointments than all spices!” (So 4:10 AV)

This morning, I lay on my pillow and meditated upon how blessed of a man God has made me.  Nathan was married last weekend to a wonderful and godly young lady.  That makes three for three.  The first thought was to my sons and how blessed the LORD has been to me in those three men.  They are godly men who love the LORD.  They have servant’s hearts which desire to serve the LORD with their lives.  Then my thoughts went to the three ladies who I am truly privileged to call daughters-in-law.  These three ladies are truly the cream of the crop.  They are the best.  They are perfect in every way!  Humble and loving, yet leaders among their peers.  They love their husbands, families, but most of all, the Savior who bled and died for them!

My thoughts went to these three ladies as the greatest blessings of ladies in my life; but then the most important thought came to mind.  I don’t have three wonderful ladies in my life.  I have four.  And the fourth is the greatest blessing of all!  She is my best friend. She is the love of my life.  She is the sunshine in my soul.  Thoughts of her bring joy so deep that it is hard to explain.  After Thirty years of marriage, my love for her is grown to depths that cannot be explained.

We are now officially empty-nesters!  Glory!  I feel like I’m twenty-three all over again.  Time to date again!  Awesome!  Time to get to know my love in ways that I we haven’t had time for.  Time to enjoy the simple things of life again.  A stroll along the Ohio.  Sitting at a park bench overlooking the Cumberland.  Taking an overnight trip to Nashville or up to Florence to see the Creation museum.  But most of all, just sitting in our quiet living room staring at one another and realizing the LORD has blessed us so much. Specially with one another.  Lisa Kay is the greatest blessing to all whom she meets.  Particularly me!  She is my love!  She always will be.  The only regret I have is that our time on earth is limited.  I am truly the most blessed man on earth!

1 comment:

  1. You will never know how much you mean to me! Thank you for all those beautiful things you said. I'm very undeserving, but thankful just the same. I'm grateful to the Lord for getting to spend the next 30 years serving God and loving you.
