Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Feast or Famine, It's Up To You

“All the days of the afflicted [are] evil: but he that is of a merry heart [hath] a continual feast.” (Pr 15:15 AV)

We all go through hard times.  There are two types of people mentioned above. There are the afflicted.  Then there are the merry.  It is not that one has an easier life than the other.  Both have hardships or challenges they face.  Illness strikes all.  Death strikes all.  Even the well-off have problems which must be overcome.  The poor may look at the rich and think their problems worse than they, but the fact of the matter is, even the rich stress over staying rich.

What is specially of note is the first word, ‘…all…’.  Not just the days in which the afflicted are afflicted.  All his days are evil.  All his days are no good.  All his days are full of tragedy whether they are truly full of tragedy or no.  The merry, I am sure have times of destitution or hardship.  The merry still suffer.  Yet, they can make a feast out of the direst of situations.

Here is the point.  We can have one of two dispositions.  We can either look at life as one continual hardship and look at life through dark colored glasses, or we can make the best of any situation no matter how hard it is.  The attitude of the heart and not the circumstances is what makes a situation an affliction or a feat.

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