Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Run, No Matter How Far Short You Fall

“All this have I proved by wisdom: I said, I will be wise; but it [was] far from me. That which is far off, and exceeding deep, who can find it out? I applied mine heart to know, and to search, and to seek out wisdom, and the reason [of things], and to know the wickedness of folly, even of foolishness [and] madness:” (Ec 7:23-25 AV)

There comes a time when one has to be realistic regarding personal holiness.  We should always strive to do much better than we are.  However, Solomon came to the conclusion it is impossible for those who seek wisdom to find it all.  Just when we attain wisdom in one area, it is evident there is another which needs attention.  Solomon, with all his wisdom, had his problems.  He showed great wisdom is ruling his kingdom, but struggled to rule his own heart.

There is a temptation that if we constantly focus on failure and the practical impossibility to attain perfection, then we react the other way.  If there is no realistic goal of perfection outside of glory, then why try?  Or, those who try hard to attain personal holiness go down the road of depression because they are in a state of constant failure.

Years ago, as a hospital chaplain, we had access to a heart rehab unit with weight machines, treadmills, rowing machines, etc.  We also had access to a therapist who would develop a regimen to increase our heart health.  I remember my guy.  He has the appearance of Richard Simons but the personality of Hulk Hogan. We charted my beginning numbers, then tracked them as I progressed.  I would never attain complete and perfect health.  But the next time I went hunting, I was able to drag a dead deer three miles without stopping!  This is how we have to look at spiritual progression.  As long as we are moving in the right direction, how far short we fall may not be so burdensome.  As long as we strive as hard as we can, knowing that grace will bestow all this wisdom, then we can be content is what the LORD has enabled us to do!

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